Reviews for Kim Possible in Ron Stopped!
AndrieAlinsangao chapter 41 . 5/28/2017
Nice cliffhanger! Thanks for the inspiration!
Lott768 chapter 40 . 9/14/2015
Hey man this is a great story. Im not much of a reader but the title and the first few words caught my attention great story I've been reading this for the last few days when will you have more chapters please let me know
Cory lott chapter 41 . 9/13/2015
When will you be able to write more chapters I've spent the last few days reading this it was very interesting I loved watching Kim possible growning up and I still watch it and I'm in my 20s this is a very interesting story please keep writing more
What happend chapter 41 . 1/4/2015
Love the story but its 2015 now and I need to know what happned so please continue!
BlueEaglePariah chapter 41 . 12/1/2014
great so far, please update.
Guest chapter 41 . 8/30/2014
When is the next chapter
Guest chapter 18 . 8/27/2014
Is this the same Clarisse that wade ends up marrying
Nameless chapter 41 . 3/13/2014
So awesome! I see Ron is going back to his goofy self. By the way, nice catch of the characters
Nameless chapter 5 . 3/13/2014
Dude, I read all 41 chapters! It took me 24 hours straight, but I loved it! You ought ta continue
kassibelle chapter 9 . 10/26/2013
Love it
Laine chapter 41 . 10/4/2013
Awesome story you did there. I wanna know how this story ends. I so hope you could finish this. :)
sd or u dk chapter 15 . 9/30/2013
I thick that like the episode where kim losses her memory ron should to but not because of a coma
sd chapter 14 . 9/30/2013
" Ron gently lets go of Shego." ? made a mistake just want you to know
you dont know chapter 6 . 9/28/2013
why are there so many chapters
KhanLovr chapter 40 . 6/29/2013
I love this chapter! Actually, there have been times in the series, in which Ron managed to figure out situations accurately on his own (though it's rare), so he's still very much in character here.

In the "Emotion Sickness" episode, Drakken offered to make dinner for Shego (to placate her), so that's enough of an indication that he must like to cook.

I remain intrigued about Erik and BeBe's observations of human behavior, and am eager to find out exactly why they want to learn more about love and sexuality.

As for Brick and Monique, the awkwardness of their situation is palpable! If Brick is not actually sexually experienced, he's certainly bold regarding sex, whereas Monique is clearly far more modest; I know I'd be horrified too, under the circumstances! I couldn't see myself being so compromised in the presence of someone with whom I'm not already romantically linked.

Great work on this chapter, and I look forward to more! As for an alternative color for Autobot Bumblebee, solid black might look cool (especially since some bumblebees are solid black instead of striped with yellow). ;-)
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