Reviews for At a Crossroads
Paul and Erin chapter 4 . 1/30/2009
You really should continue this! Its quite good!
Wraith Queen 500 chapter 4 . 7/10/2008
i love this story. it fills me with ideas. i hope you update soon. (not trying to sound pushy)
Lady Red 88 chapter 4 . 3/7/2008
Hey! This is rather interesting if I must say so myself. I'm enjoying everything so far and would like to see what happens next although I see you haven't updated in a few years. Please, would you update for me? - gives puppy dog eyes -

I'm one of those people who takes forever to update to but what the hey, we're all guilty of it. Anyway, if it's lack of reviews don't get discouraged. It's fine tale which is well written and has definitely got style. It's just that VHD isn't an overly popular thing and there aren't a lot of people around to read your tale.

Looking forward to an update sometime in the near future!

Lady Red *
Vaoni chapter 4 . 10/29/2007

I really really really REALLY look forward to an update! I simply love your descriptions of D. They make me swoon!
pinkuz chapter 4 . 12/9/2006
Hello! Just wanted to say that you've got a real gem of a story here. I do hope you continue to develop it. I know that you have your own writing timetable but it would really be great if you didn't forget about this piece. I really think it is worthwhile to pursue. Keep up the great work!
MedeaSavannah chapter 4 . 12/4/2006
Awesome chappie. Gotta love human!D-iddums.
AkNari chapter 4 . 12/4/2006
Okay, seeing as I have never reviewed for your story in the past (in which I am sorry), I have to say that this chapter and 1 to 3 were great. You did a really good job on everything. Keep up the good work. :)
MedeaSavannah chapter 3 . 9/19/2006
This story is AMAZING. I love how you manage to make him the old D, but make him more human. It's rare that someone can manage that. Kudos to you and I really hope you get to writing more of this soon.
Kurt Baros aka The Falcon chapter 3 . 9/17/2006
very well written it reminds me of the situation in a Ann Rice book -tale of the body snathcer- i cant wait for the next chapters
Snagglepants chapter 2 . 11/13/2005
Yours is the only story like it. Continue!
CallaRose4ever chapter 2 . 9/28/2005
This is good. I hope D will get a little romantic action in while he is human. He was always a little too lonely I think. It might just help his interpersonal skills to go through this, that is of course if you do plan on makeing him a vampire again. OOh the girl he likes could be taken by vampires or something and he has to find a way to fight them as a human. Oh well just an Idea. You probably already have this planned out. I hope you update soon.
Shadow Fox777 chapter 2 . 9/12/2005
AW man, poor D. Well, if he's smart, he just now realiz what his real name is. What am I saying? of course he's smart. Oh Poor D. Well, things could be worse right?
wing-clover chapter 2 . 9/12/2005
Yay! This is so wonderful! I look forward to later chapters. Excellent writing, and well done keeping D the way he should be. Very well done. And you even remember the parisite. Very well done. I, as I said, look forward to other chapters, as well as other work. _~
soulfulbee chapter 2 . 8/26/2005
out of the firepan and into the the firepan as they say. whoa d feeling sickness and cold. plus embassing himslef in a bar wow. You have done a wonderful job bringing out the humanistic quanties that are in him.
None99 chapter 2 . 8/18/2005
Beautiful beautiful writing! I'm honored by your crediting me as an impetus in connection with such a wonderful story! I assure you the feeling is mutual. You have a talent for writing words that demand to be spoken out loud. At the risk of sounding odd, words can be works of art in themselves. The cadence and sounds can go beyond the words' mere meaning and become an actual pleasure to speak and hear in their own right, like music. That's how you write. It's a wonderful gift! Your characters are sympathetic and truly likeable. The action thus far is familiar and easy to follow. If I found this story in book form in a store, I would buy it. Thank you so much for a very very enjoyable read-I look forward to D's continuing journey of self-discovery.
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