Reviews for Alienation
DrummerDancer chapter 7 . 2/25/2017
*nosebleed* this was wonderful
kod chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
nice job
Guest chapter 7 . 4/23/2013
i like it
Guest chapter 7 . 9/10/2012
OMG Love the way you write hun. Honestly, never laughed during angst... I mean there are some really tense moments true but some sentences were just so hilarious... So you go ;) Please update soon
Darkhellia chapter 7 . 1/13/2012
ok where the hell is this story going? this is confusing but funny to read. poor yami, lol. let me guess, yami loves yugi in an intimate way but finds out that yugi loves anzu, he hates this and gets all depressed and stuff, kaiba likes yami but is having trouble trying to convince yami, and yami is just really really confused. damn there is a lot going on in this story. originally I wasn't even going to read it cause the summery didn't sound good but it's actually really good if not a wee bit confusing. keep writing I can't wait for chappie 8.
kiki2222 chapter 7 . 5/27/2011
How could you leave it at a part like that?:(
I Don't Mind chapter 7 . 1/29/2011
This is just one of the most well-written fanfic I've ever read. It's a great pity you decided to end it that way, a bit abruptly that is, but I prefer that rather than some more less inspired chapters.

Great work.
Takeda Chiyo chapter 7 . 12/1/2010
Oh, wow... amazing. Tell me it will continue! Please~!
Takeda Chiyo chapter 1 . 11/30/2010
Wow. Very nice. Well written. I like the drama between the two, good description. A lot of metaphors too... very nice writing style.
Chicary chapter 7 . 11/28/2010
This story has be hooked but I regret reading it now because you left it at such an evil cliffhanger. I really enjoyed the nuanced relationships in this story and the fact that it's difficult to tease apart the Prideshipping from the Puzzleshipping. At first, I'd imaged that the Puzzle and Pride are at opposite ends of a continuum and that the coupling would move from Puzzle to Pride as the story progresses. That's not really what's happening but I really appreciate the complexity of this story nonetheless. Please, please, please continue!
Twilight Dancer123 chapter 7 . 8/21/2010
I'm exhausted right now so sorry if my review doesn't make any sense...

I just spent two hours (it's 5 a.m. here by the way) reading this story and I think it's genius! Your grammar and spelling are great and the sentences flow wonderfully. The characters are exactly as I'd image them to be in the situations you're putting them in and I like how their personalities are consistant.

Random Fan Girl Moment: YES! Yami finally admits that he wants Seto! W00T!11!

Anyway, If you ever find time to update this fic I'll be excited to read more. Keep it up!

Chetanlaiho chapter 7 . 7/15/2010
Hey, I'm not sure if you're even still on this site but if you are I just read most the story in one go and I must say I loved it. I sincerely hope you will continue it even if it seems unlikely right now.

Thanks for writing _
JollyBigSis chapter 7 . 4/2/2010
It was a beautifully written story that had me in the edge of my seat for most of it. I absolutely loved it! Every single word of it!

You did a great job in portraying the characters. Their feelings and emotions so wonderfully illustrated and the story so well-narrated. I was immersed in their world, absorbed by your words.

The plot was certain dark and intense at the beginning and I was pleased to say that it lightened up towards the end. Not to say, I wasn't totally held captive by it. This story definitely held my attention. I couldn't tear myself away until I completely finished it.

Your characterisation of our heroes and their feelings were well-conveyed. I was lost in their world; your world that you loving and painfully (I am sure) created. It was truly mesmerising and spellbinding. The little small things like 'sofa' and 'central heating' did give a lovely sense of kinship that is so rare in this world of fanfic. I was practically squeeing (amongst other things, of course) at the recognition of such descriptions. I hope you know what I mean! LOl!

This was an immense pleasure and a joy to read. I thank you for sharing.
Yami-no-Tamashii chapter 7 . 2/12/2010
.../is really, REALLY confused...I mean, REALLY/

So...the main pairing is...Prideshipping, right? Or...ooh, my head hurts /swirly eyes/

I suppose I'll just ARE going to continue this, right?

GoodbyeFFNIANLA chapter 7 . 9/21/2009
I check everyday for an update. This story is so good I just can't wait for the next chapter. I hope Kaiba takes him slow. It'd be really romantic and a nice change for Yami who seems to have everything rushed for him lately. Keep up the great work and please update real soon! 3
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