Reviews for Bliss
FireKai chapter 1 . 5/29/2008
Cute fic.
ZeroVInfinity chapter 1 . 3/9/2006
thats kinda like me at my school! awesome!
Traveller chapter 1 . 12/6/2005
LOL I have never seen such a short witty story like this, Great job!
Aquawyrm chapter 1 . 10/12/2005
Ahahahahahaha! Oh, that's rich! Imagine what would happen if Jou was absent! Oh, the horrible, horrible silence!

Have you ever noticed, that you can get away with nearly anything in a noisy classroom, but if you misbehave in a quiet class, you're meat? . this was great!
Violent-Tendencies chapter 1 . 5/24/2005
masterful fic! it seemed a bit cut short in my opinion but still a beautiful collection of the wonders jounouchi katsuya is able to bring to the table. his flustered excuse for being late just seemed so... like him! i was laughing hysterically at the well characterized moment.

keep up the great work; i look forward to more!

imagines writes chapter 1 . 5/20/2005
*snickers* Complete with sparks. I love it. XDD

One little thing I must complain about- Too much Joey-accent makes for hard reading. ; He's not even supposed to HAVE an accent, but the evil dubbers gave him one. *grumbles*

Anyway. Good fic, made me laugh. Kaiba eating chocolate covered espresso beans? O.O; ( I once chewed a coffee bean to see what it tasted like. NEVER AGAIN.
lenanR chapter 1 . 5/2/2005
nice funny fic
Rei6 chapter 1 . 5/2/2005
Very short - but oh so cute ... *_*

Jounouchi really is the sun of Setos life - right? _~

Very sweet indeed. _
Misura chapter 1 . 5/2/2005
Ah, it's the small joys that makes one appreciate mornings in particular, and life in general, isn't it, Kaiba? A thoroughly enjoyable read that left me smiling. -