Reviews for You and Me
dana-maru1 chapter 11 . 6/11/2008
Ok so I wouldn't really wish Kathy dead but it's an interesting method of getting her well out of the way lol. Loved this fic :)
dana-maru1 chapter 8 . 6/11/2008
Meh, never liked Kathy... but maybe that was just me wishing Liv and Elliot were together all along lol * scurries off to continue reading*
onetreefan chapter 11 . 2/21/2006
oh! that is so cute! i really enjoyed reading it.
Kelsey chapter 8 . 12/19/2005
you are one confusing writer. the first chapter was good. after that it became all jumbled together and confusing. too confusing for comfort. not sure if im liking this at all...especially ch 8...wasnt interesting at all...seemed to fake..even for fiction.
Sean Robyn chapter 11 . 8/11/2005
sorry it took me soo long to get to read this...i have been really bizzy! hey thanks for the shout out! i really ment all the things i have said! you are a great writer and i really like your style and i think that you pulled the ending chapter together very really was...perfect! well continue writing!
lilblu87 chapter 11 . 7/23/2005
Well, I guess the story was ok. I felt a little disappointed in it though because it was way too predictable. If it hadn't been for that, I suppose it would've been better. But those are just my opinions.

I did like that Olivia was the suspect. That to me showed some creativeness as well as having Elliot kidnapped. Usually, Olivia's the one getting kidnapped, so this was a refreshing change.
jtbwriter chapter 11 . 7/19/2005
That's a good ending-I love that Olivia and Elliot finally realized, at the same time, that they love each other and are ready to try being together!

Good story-thanks!
Dark Gotham chapter 11 . 7/19/2005
Looking really good. Love the chapter.
Sean Robyn chapter 10 . 7/9/2005
okay are an amazing writer...and plz if the next chapter is the last make it tie to gether really tight! really this is soo good! oh so is munch in love with liv now?
Sean Robyn chapter 9 . 7/9/2005
holly shit! that was so intense and soo good...i am speechless!
Sean Robyn chapter 8 . 7/9/2005
okay the feds are the perfect touch...and about xtreme! its really good! i love it! oh...if you could either skip a few lines or put a dividing bar when you change scenes that you help... okay well as usuall...BRAVO!
Sean Robyn chapter 7 . 7/8/2005
this is very still a little confuzled...but i am sure you will clear that up! thanks for the shoutout! oh...and be carful to proof read...only a few errors but something to think about! as always plz update!
Lisa chapter 10 . 7/8/2005
I like it. I don't know how realistic it is that Kathy went off the deep end as we've never been given a hint of this side of her, is fiction.

I think your characters are pretty realistic...writing kept me interested for 10 chapters - but...please write some more - round it up - finish it off...

thanks for the effort...
future cop chapter 10 . 7/5/2005
i liked the thing about the FBI guy this story is good
kateliz76 chapter 10 . 7/4/2005
Well of course she feels guilty, but she's not in any way. AND, Elliot's going to assure her of that right? So I get to look forward to a cute ending huh? Lots and lots of love and affection right? Maybe a long one too? Just as a feel like I'm getting someone and better settle in to read it's over. John's a sweetie and cares so much for his little sister, huh? Of course it would paini me none to see Elliot grieve, maybe a little shock and guilt on his part too? Bring it on a great job with story, so sorry to see it end, soon...
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