Reviews for Secrets
Jade Leaf Forest chapter 12 . 10/8/2015
So I read 'Secrets' back when you first published it and in my mind it always stood out as my favourite Digimon fanfiction. I've been on a bit of a break from the fandom and decided to re-read this to see how well it held up to my initial impressions (I've been putting it off a little because other stories I read haven't held up very well).

Maybe it was because I remembered parts of it reasonably well, but 'Secrets' has held up better than I imagined! Even though its continuity with the show is a bit questionable at times, I feel that you captured the characters so well that it doesn't even bother me (and having good writing skills with only a few typos helps as well). Matt hiding his fears and insecurities with sarcasm, Sora learning to understand herself, Tai's strong sense of justice with moments of doubt and introspection (particularly the scene between him and Matt during this chapter)... I feel like I'm reading a continuation of their adventure.

I know there's little chance of getting a conclusion to this story and I'm fine with that, but I did want you to know that your story still holds up as one of my favourite Digimon fanfictions and most-likely my favourite Sorato story. I love that you write Matt and Sora as two kids who understand and enjoy each other's company without adding any romantic drama (other drama is fine though). 'Secrets' was always my go-to re-read story if I wanted something enjoyable or get some inspiration and I'm glad to know it will continue to be after all these years. Thank you again for writing it!
venus9814 chapter 12 . 9/4/2009
:O i cannot get over this fanfic i discovered it today & its my fav digimon so far AHH. i cant wait for the next chapter :')
Uchiha-Kirara chapter 12 . 5/15/2009
Oh. My. Gosh...

I. Can't. BELIEVE. It!

This-this is so sad! I thought this was supposed to be funny *sobsob*

You can't write drama in a story rated humorful!

Not that it is THAT bad, but I think you should make up that drama with more jokes _

So far, the funniest part definitely was when everyone mimicked Matt xD

And my favorite quote was the one Gatomon said to Tai when he acted like Matt xD

That was such a burner! xD


You know, this story is really awesome )

The secretiveness is in one way cool, cuz you never know what they are talknig about and most times you can't guess what might happen next. Because I'm reading fanfics on a daily basis since 2 or 3 years, it's easy for me to guess what migth happen next in the stories. But in this one, I was always confused and I had no idea what was going on! But sometimes, it really got confusing and that's the only thing I don't like about the secretiveness.

The one and only time I guessed right at what might happen next was Matt's disease. I knew it-I just KNEW it! I had the feeling that it just HAD to be a disease! D

And I'm proud that I guessed that 3

Most times, it's actually annoying to know what would probably happen next, but as I said before, I couldn't do that in this story. So it really makes me feel proud to have guessed at least one secret right 3

*yaay* xD

I like your title for this story. Cuz you're totally right. The title DOES decribe the chapters!

But please, never EVER write a chapter like chapter "Dream" again! That one was so B-O-R-I-N-G!

I don't want to sound mean or so, but when I was reading that chap I thought, "maybe I should skip this chap", but I thought the better of it, cuz I might have had missed something important.

I was soo excited at what Matt's secret might be and who Allan was! I only guessed the disease part at the beginning of chap 11.

You really did a good job with this story _

It's sad to know that you lost your interest in this story (

It really is.

*sobsob* q_q

I hope you'll get back to the Sorato fandom!

"So, who here likes cliffies?"

I don't. And I guess you're right with your assumption, "...what? am I the only one?" xD

The end of the 12th chap is so corny and cute x3


ahahaha, also what funny is, is that everyone tries to be Matt's motehr xD

First Genai, then Sora, then Allan and I don't want to know who else will try xD

Ok well, I DO want to know *winkwink*

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

Update this story.

So, do you know what you need to do? Update this story! D


As to your question; no, I don't know any funny Sorato fic. I'm still new reading Digimon fanfics 3

You know what'd be really really REALLY awesome? *battes eyelashes* If you would write more fluff between Matt and Sora *puppy eyes* Pwetty pwease wif a chewwy on top (or strawberries if you prefer that one xD)

If you need any help with this story, then maybe I can be of help to you..? :3

I always help others with their fics 3

Cuz I'm better at giving other people ideas for their stories, than finding some for my own xD



Well, if you could tell me what your exact problem is and why you can't continue the story, then I'll brainstorm (with or without you) and give you my ideas )

Maybe there'd be something that would help you _

The part with Joe going crazy about the chess play was pretty cool, so were the hangman and twister parts _

I think, the best scenes are either when Matt and Sora have their Matt-and-Sora-talks or when the gang their parents digimon play games D

One of the best Sorato moments was when Matt showed Sora his collection of jewerly. When Sora looked at his sketches and found so many of herself, thus Matt becoming as red as a tomato and giving it a run for his money, was one of my favorite moments )

I enjoy reading them having Matt-and-Sora-talks :3

You should definitelyx write more of them _

*sighs* I'm wondering when Sora tells Matt that she found THE necklace and when she tells him about her dream (and his strands of hairs xP). I think she should do it either now or after the surgery. But it would be better if she did it BEFORE the surgery! Cuz unlike us, they don't know that Matt will probably survive the surgery!

I like it that you write so long chaps :3

Not many people are able to do that xD

I'm one of those who can't T_T *sobsob*

I don't have much talent in writing, neither do I have it any other thing possible!

Honestly, I don't have any talents in Maths, Physics, Art, French or any other subject at school. Then I don't have any talent in singing or playing an instrument, writing, drawing, remebering things xD, sports, debatting, cooking, cleaning or anything else possible!

It's really sad to know you don't have any talents at all. In every thing possible I have few talent. There's none that I am good at DX

*le scream*





I hope you don't mind my little outburst there ;

Please keep on writing and update some time )

Evenstar606 chapter 12 . 6/27/2008
Don't worry. I'm just getting back into this fandom too-I found your story, and it looked familiar. Apparantly i've read it before. It is pretty awesome, I must say. I especially enjoyed the parts about Matt's illness. I wrote a huge fanfic two years ago where Matt has Diabetes, and because of it he gets a computer virus after the Battle with Apoclymon in season one. So I can identify with that part of your story pretty well! (I'm a sucker for Matt Torture, lol)

I hope that you are able to continue this story, I think it has an incredible plot with the digidestined having their parents in the Digiworld with them. It's like everyone is getting to know eachother for the first time...that's probably what you were going for somewhat? Cool. Awesome job!
chibi heishi chapter 12 . 5/3/2008
Oh, this is good. I feel sorry for Matt, but I think I feel even more sorry for his parents. They have to deal with the guilt trip. Although I have to say, TK is taking this very well. I'd think he'd be falling apart - not only was he with Matt for the six months, but this is his BIG BROTHER who could die. Maybe he just doesn't quite understand? Anyway, this is very well written. It's funny when it can be but serious when it needs to be.
anything1111 chapter 12 . 4/28/2008
Love this story... however I hate cliffhangers... AHH you have to finish!
HelKat chapter 12 . 4/21/2008
Matt needs a hug, especially after that explosion of a rant. Man, that part made me tear up with sympathy.

Great chapter! Update soon!

Lies-and-Truth chapter 12 . 4/21/2008
wow, you updated! this chapter is so good! i hope that you can update soon, i need something lighter to help me get over that!
wolf's lament chapter 12 . 4/21/2008
Another great chapter! I loved the scene between Matt and Tai. I could really imagine that to be Tai's reaction to the whole thing. I'm assuming the chapter title is to do with Matt's relations with everyone. I think I can wait a few months for the next chapter. Keep up the fantastic writing!
x-smith chapter 12 . 4/21/2008
Yay! you updated! I love this story, and I can't wait for the next chapter. poor Matt, i hope your not gonna kill him in the end (please don't!) so next update wont be till May huh? *tries to sit patiently* and i don't mind the cliff hanger, it just means I'm looking forward to the next bit even more! take as much time as you need for the next chap, we don't mind waiting!
Kacey chapter 11 . 3/30/2008
OMG I just started reading this and I couldn't stop. I love the story line and they way you write. KEEP GOING! Please!
SaKaMo chapter 11 . 3/13/2008
Hey I just wanted to tell you that I really love this story. I usually never read stories where Matt and Sora are interested in each other, even though the relationship is canon. But, I have to say, this story is so good that the Sorato-ness doesn't bother me at all. That is quite a feat. I'd like to see a new chapter soon, but I understand if you don't have the time. Lord knows I don't have a lot of free time. Anyway, keep up the good work!
SaKaMo chapter 11 . 9/29/2007
This is a really amazing story. I love stories about Matt. I really hope you update soon, but take all the time you need to make it perfect.
CrestOfHealing chapter 11 . 9/13/2007
Oh, MAN! Dude! lol I love this story! Poor Matt! Jeeze...Update soon!

~Child of Healing
Nameless Dragon chapter 11 . 9/1/2007
hey, i was thinking about this the other night hoping you would carry on and woot you did, really well done yet again , i love reading this, so keep up the good work.
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