Reviews for Undeniable
Guest chapter 1 . 7/26/2017
Sometimes the rest of the Host's devoted obsession with the Ineffability of the Divine Plan has benefits for those who are aware that some of it is bullshit. XD Once the right memos go out, anyone who reads them assumes there's just some detail they aren't privy to and accept it.
Esperata chapter 1 . 3/24/2015
Shocking in the suddenness of the attack. Stunning in Aziraphale's unwavering defence of his demon. Sweet in Crowley's worry for Zira even while bleeding on his floor.
The idea that Crowley enjoys snuggling (even while denying it) is perfectly fitting. As is their casual domesticity. I like that you haven't excluded Heavenly or Hellish influences in this continuity. It gives everything more scope.
slioe chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
oh my! absolutely brilliant :)
Merrypaws chapter 1 . 3/1/2007
*hysterical laughing*

Oh, god... ...Man, does it ever feel weird saying that...

Yesterday, I was reading 'And the World Still Turns', half listening to the radio while I was at it, and just as I got to the part where Big D says "You owe me twenty." I suddenly realized what was playing:

'...We got something to believe in

even if we don't kow where we stand

Only God would know the reasons

but I bet He must have had a plan

'cause you were born to be my baby

and baby I was made to be your man.'

And today, as I was reading this:

'...Shot through the heart and you're to blame

you give love a bad name.'

Small-scale divine intervention much?
SkyChild chapter 1 . 7/29/2006
Only one review so far? Can't be! That's about the most amazing fanfic on Good Omens I've ever read, and only person thought it worth a review? Isa everyone stupid out there? *phew* alright, I'm calm now

Anyway, I absolutely loved what you wrote here, it's wonderful, and I think I'll go through your other G.O. stories, too. Keep up the great work!
May chapter 1 . 5/29/2005
Charmed by this beautiful tale.