Reviews for Millennium
Esperata chapter 1 . 3/25/2015
Sensual and heated. After the traumas of the initial part of this series, this comes as a welcome break. There's a real sense of the settled nature of their relationship here, cemented by the Millennium celebration. I'm not sure I've read any others centred on that event.
Its interesting the expectations they both had of their street encounter. Did Aziraphale underestimate Crowley or may the demon have become too swept up in the heat of the moment?
slioe chapter 1 . 7/13/2012
, beautiful written...again :)
Miriam Mrirund chapter 1 . 5/21/2005
You're a great writer and these stories are beautiful! I hope you write some more, but u don't have to! Well, love the stories, good luck with anything new.
