Reviews for From Ashes Reborn
lead me to salvation chapter 31 . 8/10/2015
Okay, wow. That is literally all I am feeling right now. I was a bit sceptical about the pairing and all to start with, but you have completely won me over. I love pretty much every little bit of this story, I love how you've made it so real and I love the way you've brought all these other bits and pieces from the Iliad and the rest of the myths surrounding it into the story to flesh it out! Brilliant! :)
Beloved Daughter chapter 31 . 12/13/2013
Really cool story! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it from start to finish. Love how you incorporated so many of the Greek plays into the storyline. Absolutely brilliant! :)
Lady-Finwe chapter 31 . 11/23/2013
Awesome Story it truely is a masterpiece...
Kallios the Scholar chapter 22 . 9/24/2013
Ah, good thing I saw your author's note at the bottom there. I was about to remind you of Hermione - which I thought was really odd, because you seem pretty well-researched concerning this fic and I thought you would've heard about her.

But now I know better.
Guest chapter 31 . 1/9/2013
I have enjoyed your writing more than any of the others posted here. I'm eager to delve into your LOTR fiction as well. I hope that someday you'll announce book deals so that we can buy titles with your true name on them. What a gift you have! How you captured my imagination! Over the past days I have regretted social obligations, neglected my family and household, and found myself mulling over your story when I should have been attending my patients' cares and woes. Thank you so much...
Miggyrow chapter 31 . 4/26/2011
More than four years had passed since you finished this story. I can't even believe that I forgot about it. I am among those readers who disappeared after 20 chapters or so... A busy life is my excuse, it had nothing to do with the level of your writing and the directions you took with the story. I loved it. It was a beautiful in-depht journey in the mind of a Trojan queen. I love that Eudorus loved her so much he didn't reject her after discovering the truth. It was a smooth turn of events. One that I didn't predict. It conveyed realism as well. No unnecessary drama. Despite the fact I hated Paris and Helen at the beginning, I love the bold way you choose to make Paris redeem himself in our eyes. It was such a bloody disgusting death for such a beautiful being, it made my heart clench. I believe on the last day of his life, Paris acted very much like a true king, like royalty, fit to rule, wise, and protective. I imagined that wench of Helen, rotting in Egypt, her beauty fading, her mind tampered with regrets and all. She deserved every bit of this pain. I just know that Elektra like in the play won't let her mother get away with it. The end with the birth of a child cementing Eudorus and Andromache relationship was very cute. Amazing story! Great work!
fAteD lOvE chapter 25 . 11/16/2009
I really adore the way you write, but I must say, after watching Helen of Troy, although it may be an inaccurate recount of history, I'm rather fond of Helen and Paris, so their characterisations- Helen's whorish-ness and Paris's arrogance really annoy me because I prefer the version of their romance to be pure and real instead of the one depicted in your story.

But very good writing.
IVIaedhros chapter 31 . 9/6/2009

While, I felt as if you were too hasty to get through the story once the romance really started and, especially, post-reveal (entirely expected), this really was wonderfully done yarn. That you have so many readers and reviewers in a mostly dead fandom just shows how well this thing was made out. Thanks for the read.
Palefoot chapter 31 . 6/16/2009
So much love do I have for this! I admit, I started reading because I found the main pairing intriguing, but *damn*! Everything about Andromache's character or how she dealt with conflict hit the nail on the head every time, and the glimpses into Eudorus' head as well as the snippets of backstories to round out minor characters made the whole story so rich. Paris' evolution and mild redemption was actually a joy to read, something I had never experienced before when reading about him. Helen abandoned in Egypt was a befitting touch, bravo. Overall I haven't read a fic this satisfying in a long time and this truly knocked my socks off. I think I'll be happily soaking this in for days.
Faere chapter 31 . 1/27/2009
Might I say, a very lovely finish.
royaltonmayflower1986 chapter 31 . 12/4/2008
This was a fantastic ending to this story. I was afraid after reading the last chapter (with Paris' bloody end) that no matter what the ending was, I would still feel down about it. I shouldn't have worried because you were able to bring some lightheartedness back (LOVE the exchanges between Andromeche and Iasemi over her "being robbed of the...pleasure of tending you through your last pregnancy." That one had be LOL. Of course, I could sympathize with Andromeche... that's the rotten thing about some pregnancies. The things you absolutely LOVED yesterday turn your stomach today. Thankfully that usually doesn't last the whole 9 months.

The scene between Andromeche and Eudorus - with him worry and trying so hard to hide it - was also very well done. For someone with no experience in this line, you do an excellent job in your portrayals.

But my favorite scene of all was when ? came to see Andromeche to tell her about Paris' death. That was just so well written that tears came to my eyes.

I hope we haven't seen the last of you in the Troy universe.
Kitoky chapter 31 . 11/27/2008
I am so incredibly sad that it is all over. It's Thanksgiving, and I'm thankful for this wonderful fic, but all the same, wishing it didn't have to end so soon. It was a beautifully crafted ending chapter. The events leading up to it still just... I can't even form words, but the mastery of this story has shined and a nice little product it has become. Should you decide to write more Andromache/Eudorus, you will have at least one definitely supportive reader-reviewer. Because I think you've successfully converted me to being an Andromache/Eudorus shipper, and they have become one of my top all-time ships, and one of the few non-canon ones. Should anyone else me for support for this fanon ship, all I'll do is link to this story, and be done with it. It's all the support I need. I've already re-read through the story about three times, and will probably do so again soon now that it's completed.

So here's to you. For the despair, the hopelessness, the hope, the adventure, the deceit, the love, and last but not least; the new beginning to the end.
ConcreteHole chapter 31 . 11/27/2008
First of all, just let me say that I don't think words can adequately describe how much joy and pleasure reading this story has brought to not only myself, but I'm sure to all of your viewers who for some unknown reason are too lazy to review or at least attempt to express their gratitude to you.

This has without a doubt been the most interesting, well-constructed, multi-layered fiction I have ever read (and I have spent quite a few years cruising FF) and each new chapter edition had quickly become the highlight of all the dreary months stationed in-between.

I do hope you decide to write some fluffy Eudorus one-shots (you do fluff INCREDIBLY well) to give us all something else to look forward too.

Now, on to the actual chapter review. I think you did a brilliant job of construction, and Leda's flashback is to date the only one in all the fanfics I have read that not only could I stand, but I liked. Normally I find them stupid and the product of bad writing and plotting, but the range of your skill never fails to impress me. It was detailed, realistic, well thought out, well introduced and very believable.

I also applaud you for not giving everyone a happy ending. Though I do like Paris (due completely to your writing of him) as well as Leda, and was actually routing for them to be together, I think this was the much more realistic approach. Not everything works out the way people want it too, and I know if this had been any other small minded fic writer, he and Leda would have escaped back to Eudorus and Andromache, and lived happily ever after the four of them, closer than anything in the whole wide world, and their children growing up to marry each other, and treating each other like brothers and sisters! *fights desperately to prevent eye roll*

And I know this is a given, but I especially loved all the Eudorus fluff, none more so than the very end. I think it was a beautiful way to end a wonderful story, and again, your skill for writing continues to amaze me. You really do have no idea how much I want to get into that little head of yours and scoop out that brain and steal all those little plot bunnies of yours! :P

I was also glad to see the re-emergence of Artemis which gave the story the definite feeling of completeness, and did a wonderful job at showing how much Andromache has grown and changed, and how life had turned full circle for her. I also think it was a very kind, heart-warming Andromache thing to do to give Leda a place as a servant, I truly do like the character (actually, I like all of you own characters – you truly do have a knack for them, I wish you would go out of your comfort zone and write them more! Nine times out of ten I like them more than the canon ones!).

Anyways, I think that is about all I can say on the matter without embarrassingly myself with my incessant gushy fangirl ramblings anymore, so I will leave you alone now! I admit, I was sceptical of the pairing when I first checked out your story, but you won me over with the two of them almost instantly, and now I think they are one of my all time favourite pairings (almost as good as Minna and Barrett me thinks! :P).
Bardess of Avon chapter 31 . 11/27/2008
I would have reviewed this HOURS ago, IF MY WIFI SIGNAL WASN'T SO CRAPPY. *sighs* But it's working now, for the moment.

I have to admit, I'm really kind of sad that this is over. And that there won't be a sequel. Although I can hardly blame you; 31 epic chapters is pretty darn good! It was a sweet ending! I really loved it!

I know how it is to plot something and have it NOT work at all. Don't even get me STARTED on the number of times I've plotted something out and the fic actually went a COMPLETELY different direction! But you have to admit, the direction you ultimately took was perfect.

And you know, you've inspired me to write some Troy fiction again. I've dug through my old Microsoft Word documents, blew off the dust and decided to make some of them work. That's because of YOU, my dear, you and this incredible, incredible story. This fic has truly been a wonderful read. I will continue to look forward to your work, however small it may be.

Your devoted fan,

darkangel1910 chapter 31 . 11/27/2008
I'm sorry to see that this has less good fanfic to look forward to.
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