Reviews for Bite the Bullet
Hermione's Shadow chapter 7 . 5/18/2009
that was really sad, I remember going to a funeral with my mom when I was in junior high school and it was an open casket. It was my uncles funeral (i had never really met him) but I remember on the way home my mom talking about how she didn't like it when the caskets were open because that wasn't the way she wanted to remember the person. When she died last year, my dad and I had a disagreement. He wanted open casket at first, but eventually I convinced him not too because I reminded him of that conversation. My mom was this wonderful person that had this fantastic smile always on her face and I just know that she wouldn't have wanted the last image people had of her to be lifeless without a smile. Anyway, that bit you put in there about what Tony was thinking reminded me of that.
IndiAcidSnake chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
even after just reading this chapter i am bawling and have to stop!

Love NCISchick xoxoxoxoxo
LunarDreamed chapter 1 . 4/24/2006
Wow! That was a very intense story. Took me on an emotional roller-coaster. Very nicely done.
W chapter 8 . 12/30/2005
Quite possibly the only TATE I've ever liked.
kap0w chapter 8 . 10/9/2005
aw i loved it, and i don't always necesarily like any stories dealing with Twilight heh. You kept it sad and sometimes witty, like the line when Tony says "Watch the dog, Cassidy. I'm overprotective. Underlying guilt issues, you know" .Noice
Hell-of-Fire chapter 8 . 9/24/2005
god I'm so crying! thought after chap7 it couldn't get me more, but now I'm even crying worse!

How ironic that the song playing right at that moment is 'I will not forget you', god I'm so sad! Just can't stop crying!

You have such great talent! God that's so touching *sigh*
Tony DiNozzo Freak chapter 8 . 7/19/2005
Okay. Good fic. I was fine until I read the last part and my eyes suddenly became waterfalls! NO! Good otherwise though.

jtbwriter chapter 8 . 6/29/2005
That was so good-you made me cry tho'-bad idea reading this as an "eye break" at work!

You gave a sweet closure of sorts to this story-Tony is a survivor and it's fitting that he's the one seeing Gibbs home.

A sad but good fic-thanks! Looking forward to more of your work!
salemnavy chapter 8 . 6/29/2005
That was an extremely good story. It made me cry at the end. OMG! It was just amazing. I am glad to see that Tony moved on, but it is sad that it couldn't be with Kate. Next season is going to suck, but I will continue to watch until I can't bear how pissed it makes me that she isn't there anymore.

Alexiamanda chapter 8 . 6/29/2005
I LOVE THIS STORY. I know I don't review very much, but I LOVE THIS STORY. The way you captured Tony's reaction- just perfect. I loved the way he wrote on the building, but I absolutely loved this chapter. It was so sad- yet so fitting -and it makes me cry no matter how many times I read it. And I do not cry very much. Well, Twilight made me cry too, just the ending. But that's not the point. I love your writing and I love this story. Please take into consideration writing more stories? Many, many, many more?
chiroho chapter 8 . 6/28/2005
Lovely bittersweet ending. Love the way you wrapped this up. Poor Tony keeps going on, the only one left.
chiroho chapter 7 . 6/24/2005
How perfectly bittersweet and melancholy. I'm tearing up for Tony right now. Wonderful.
salemnavy chapter 7 . 6/23/2005
That was a great story. Really it was. I am crying right now. I didn't start crying 'til it said:

"Ashes to ashes...

And in the end, it doesn't really matter...

Dust to dust."

Awesome job... really.

Gonna steal this line from Cheesmunkee.

"Forever torn,"

Zippikins chapter 6 . 6/13/2005
You have some really interesting concepts. I love the idea of Tony writing on the rooftop. Very well done, and I hope you decide to continue.
salemnavy chapter 6 . 6/13/2005
I liked how you ended that chapter. "Welcome to the real world." So true and no matter how much we wish that Kate could have told Tony how she felt or most of all lived, DPB is good. He didn't end it with the sappy love story, even though we all so wanted it.

Good job and update soon please.
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