Reviews for Fortune Favors the Brave
Obsidius chapter 12 . 9/6/2015
awesome story. I love how it was not like all the others out there. thank you.
R42dragon chapter 2 . 10/6/2013
Big chests and big bottoms? That doesn't sound tragic to me! Not that that description fits Sakura at all. Even after the time skip, she's still not particularly big. Hinata is actually the voluptuous one. You don't see it normally (I think her clothes hide it), but try looking up Hinata Shippuden 271. One look at Hinata in the red dress, and you see that she's actually not far behind Tsunade in the cleavage department.
R42dragon chapter 1 . 10/2/2013
Special Jonin is actually a lower rank than Jonin (The fact that Ebisu is a Special Jonin and Kakashi is a Jonin speaks volumes). Special Jonin are ninjas who specialize in one particular thing, whereas regular Jonin are just awesome in general.
Avery chapter 12 . 9/8/2011
simply amazing. and oddly informative!
Avery chapter 4 . 9/5/2011
that was awesome xD
Avery chapter 2 . 9/5/2011
I can't help but be a realist, its funny when you said that sakura was going to be big chested and have a big butt to when she actually ends up being flat chested and firm butt, and hinata ends up with the bigger boobs and nicer ass. just putting it out there haha
CHI IN LOVE 101 chapter 2 . 5/27/2011
Nemrut chapter 12 . 3/23/2010
The cat summon was freaking awesome but to be honest, I was kind of expecting a Phoenix summon after hearing that the sign of the Hyuuga's was the Phoenix. I know it is normally a sign of mary-sueness to have a mystical animal but in this case, if Hinata gets it, it would have been awesome. Compared to that the cat seemed a bit normal but her personality more than made up for it.

Great job. Loved your Hanabi, Naruto and the OC Onoda by the way
Missmybcmiyuki chapter 12 . 5/3/2009
great story! i just loved it all! so many unexpected scene and awesome event. i absolutely loved naruto and hinata. hanabi was great too.

sad that the story is over. i just love seeing those two so nervous. such cute little lovebirds
natural like chapter 1 . 7/22/2008
Oh, how I loved this story! It was so brilliant! You wrote so well! I especially loved chapter ten. When you dealt with Hinata, it almost seemed real. In the forest, I loved the sound that she heard in the forest, the one when the tree bough fell, it brought an interesting memory for Hinata. I really loved that part because well, people do have some connections when they see something that reminded them of a past event, and this one had been one of them, but had been harsh for Hinata. Her character development had changed, and for the better! It seemed fun to find that Naruto was somewhat rubbing off on her! I liked the last chapter too! It was all too humorous and throughly I enjoyed it. Great Story!
Pepsiwolf chapter 12 . 9/6/2007
That was...BRILLIANT! XD You got some serious skill! PLEASE KEEP WRITTING. _
jc chapter 12 . 7/5/2007
This story rocks!
Reviewer of the West chapter 12 . 8/13/2006
Wow. Your stuff is pretty neat. It has the flavor of fluff, but in the middle there is always a lot of drama. I think your fics get underrated because of that, but I'm glad you are writing!
Silver Warrior chapter 12 . 7/30/2006
aw, man I truely love your stories! No overabundance of mush, no abundance of action, but plenty of the little things and foundations, which is rare to find in a lot of stories. Good job. Hinata summoning cats, and the boss disliking males. Why am I not surprised?
Danny-171984 chapter 12 . 7/9/2006
Why do I like your fics so much...I love reading really waffy fics about those two, and you barely give a few good moments of the two of them...but they are so good...I like it when I read that they huge and kiss and stuff like that, yet you barely put one kiss between the two of them, and still I love your story...LOL. You are one good writer, I'll give you that. Heck...Your are a great writer. You did a wonderfull job...I just wish your stories ended on a more romantic hope of the future, instead of just a barely happy ending...Doesn't mean that I didn't like your ending. Sigh...your stories makes me thing my emotions many times, on what I really like, and I really do how you put your fic together, without the 'mass of waffness.' Keep on writing.

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