Reviews for Painful Coincidence
Avindara Nirvene chapter 1 . 11/24/2007
That was nice :)

It would be easier to read if you used italics, for his thoughts, but still, it was marvelous :)

poor neville *hugs him*

SiriusScruffy chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
OMG! I really felt sorry for Neville when this subplot came out. It made me cry coz Neville's got noone except his gran, who's ashamed of him anyway. Have a cookie and a review Neville!

vanillafluffy chapter 1 . 6/12/2005
I think you've nailed this beautifully. This is exactly what I've suspected was in poor Neville's mind at the time...while I understand his Gran's POV, there are some things it just hurts too much to talk about.

Well done!