Reviews for When Mundus gets Bored
CallMehTehOdd1 chapter 6 . 3/18/2009

I love it, oh God, you have no idea ... I have tears rolling down my face...My tummy hurts...*snorts* Kepp it goin' babe!

TehOdd1 xoox
CallMehTehOdd1 chapter 5 . 3/18/2009

LEAVE THE HAMSTER BE! *runs around in circles wailing about animal cruelty*

TehOdd1 xoox
CallMehTehOdd1 chapter 4 . 3/18/2009
BLUE HEDGE HOG...I thought it was gonna be Vergil *cries in corner emoishly* WHY?

TehOdd1 xoox
CallMehTehOdd1 chapter 3 . 3/18/2009


(Still goging to post for every chapter...hee hee hee)

((yes I am rather hyper))


TehOdd1 xoox
CallMehTehOdd1 chapter 2 . 3/17/2009
*gets mental images of Dante being beaten up by pathetically large child*

*images of Mundus as turkey*

*imagaes of Sparda looking shifty and Eva all like 'CHEATITING!'*

*Images of Vergil sitting on toilet with pants on*

CallMehTehOdd1 chapter 1 . 3/17/2009
Had me in stiches. Only up to the first chapter, but Hell, I'm reveiwing every single one, damnit! This is CLASSICAL!

TehOdd1 xoox
The Tyrant Hamster chapter 6 . 7/27/2008
Hehehe, distant future it looks like for that to be continued XD.

This is great, this really is just great. The whole attitude of this series is priceless and each chapter is full of gems well worth remembering, many of which I did with a little reminding, the unusual perspective that was eaten by a raging rhinoceros, Colonel Sanders or that "I can’t wait to get my handies on your Andes!" line all being somewhere between brilliant and simply, comically priceless, especially that last one XD. Seriously I'm in awe sometimes, you do some things I reckon I could imitate, perhaps, but that'd be my best, I really admire your humour .
The Tyrant Hamster chapter 5 . 7/27/2008
Zone loves this, even though he suffers he loves this, and I love this, this is loved and awesome and hilarious XD. The whole thing with Zone and mostly Arson just makes me grin like an idiot to be honest, there's so many little touches in there that I appreciate, and you really do him well considering you don't let him talk in this one. Heheheh, I'll try not to get carried away though, cus the rest of the chapter is quality too, such as Dante's utterly careless topic-hopping to his balls working right in front of his grandson, and prior to that the level of detail you go into explaining the holes in the walls and stuff, this story is alive, it's full of life and laughs and awesome XD.
The Tyrant Hamster chapter 4 . 7/27/2008
Woo, haha, Zone in person now, this is the part I remember, and even after all this time it's still so awesome to see it here ! Hehehe, really, it's touching beyond words to see someone else use my character, and you do him well too for a silent role, allowed to speak Zone likes to XD. I love that part as you can probably imagine, but it hardly goes downhill from there, the whole thing with the door is funny, and for a while it seems Andy has the hang of Dante, but it doesn't last, and watching him blow things up and crash, and then pose, hahaha, oh I loved how he just posed and considered it being helpful, it's all brilliant XD. I am so glad I'm reading this all over again.
The Tyrant Hamster chapter 3 . 7/27/2008
Haha, how does that line go... This just keeps getting better and better XD. It really does, the reference to tyrant hamsters again warms my heart, but I'm a fan of all rodents and even if I wasn't the whole thing with the rat cracks me up, it's hilarious to see Mundus cut down so much he has to deal with these sorts of things. Then we cut to Vergil, who has his own fun, eating something without paying for it to stick to his evil morals and then battling a pair of hilarious old women, win XD. Hehehe, and finally we're back to Mundus, who makes up some brilliantly nuts conclusions about rats and Sparda's sex life, and things wrap up. Seriously, you spoil me for choice of favourite bits here XD.
The Tyrant Hamster chapter 2 . 7/27/2008
Aww man, I forgot you included a mention of me in this story, I remember the others, as a pet and so on, but aww, thanks again friend, it's still so touching . Hehehe, and this whole thing is still so funny, the mentions of all the bosses crack me up, Nightmare's literate and likes Dante's favourite comic, Phantom is on crack and otherwise the same, and Griffon sucks with the ladies XD. Nothing is sacred, you've got those 3 and Mundus and Vergil getting shown up here, your humour pulls no punches and that's awesome. The whole toilet affair is quality, you draw it out so much, so many awkward moments, and Mundus makes it even more difficult, then gets what's coming to him, ahh, so win XD.
The Tyrant Hamster chapter 1 . 7/27/2008
Hahaha, even after all this time this is still entertaining to read XD. In contrast with your serious style, I love how you move things so fast in these humour fics it keeps the reader off-balanced, sometimes paragraphs at a time. There are so many memorable moments here that are still great the second time around, such as how bluntly you reveal that Mundus is a turkey, a female one at that, or the revelation that Vergil has a pet Shadow named Cuddles XD. It's almost like being humour-boxed, a constant string of light jab-gags like the Hell sluts mixed in with harder hitting funnies like the above, man I love this series, and I love your sense of humour in general, really do XD.
Cobalt Demoness chapter 1 . 7/16/2007
BRILLIANT! Sorry that I can't be more eloquent. All right, Vergil was a leetle too OC for me, but you made it so funny that I shall forgive you! *loves this*
2Judgement chapter 6 . 3/22/2007
That's funny and insane.
Big O chapter 6 . 3/11/2007
Get em, Nero Angelo.
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