Reviews for Dark Secrets
Guest chapter 1 . 7/29/2012
harry's sister is way 2 much of a mary sue i have to agree with that person who commented about it shes too perfect and she is kinda annoying sorry. love behind the pranksters mask though! that is a super great story
Guest chapter 8 . 7/29/2012
so confused on this chapter very weird chapter oh and i this story dead u havent done anything with it 4 7 years? oh and how is this the sequel to behind the pranksters mask?
ObviouslyADreamer chapter 8 . 1/7/2011
Love it so far :D
purpleflame6 chapter 8 . 8/10/2009
well i would love you to continue with this story it has drawn me in and i would love to hear more... though this has not been updated in a couple of years...

well ill add an alert any way... good luck
Cecilia Orechio chapter 8 . 3/20/2008
well I'd say it's been a rather long time since this story has been updated. Have you lost interest? I'd like to see where it goes, but it's up to you obviously.
Cwejr chapter 8 . 12/10/2007
I am extremely frustrated that the story stopped here. I was enjoying it and hoping to read it all the way though today and got cut short. This is a very interesting idea and I look forward to seeing how you handle Hogwarts and Harry. Harry with a sister; that sounds like it will be a real blast. Please write more. I don't ask for much, just 8-10 pages a month will keep me pacified.

I really look forward to this story continuing...


Cori Rain chapter 8 . 1/8/2006
love it. wishing 4 more. she sounds a lot like James was. Maybe she can get a permenit trasfure 2 Hogwarts.
hello chapter 8 . 10/14/2005
i love this story please update
TammyLynnSlark chapter 8 . 10/11/2005
Good story. Keep the chappies coming. I think Harry and Liz will be a force to be feared at Hogwarts, prank wise.
Sorry chapter 8 . 10/10/2005
I'm sorry. I tried to like it. Really I did. But your story is (in my opinion) shit. Liz is a bloody Mary Sue. Girl who lived. Special School. Wandless magic. Phoniex. Itelligent beyond believe. next generation of the marauders? And she just so happens to already have a group of friends in hogwarts, who would do anything for her? Is she also in the prophecy? How much will she have to do with voldie's down fall? It is uterly disgusting how mary sueish she is!
kittenlover2 chapter 8 . 10/10/2005
hey the story is great so far! cant wait to see what happens when 'flame feather' appears at hogwarts! and harry shall be united with his sis! yay.

Here Though You've Forgotten chapter 8 . 10/10/2005
Wow Ive obviously read other harry-has-a-sibling-and-they-r-reunited fics but i really liked the way you handled this one! im sending u bundles of encouragement!hurry up and update please! the suspense is killing me

May the force be with you

darkforces chapter 8 . 10/10/2005
Really good, i wanna no what happens next please update
Wytil chapter 8 . 10/10/2005
I know you are dieing to get our response, however I am 67 and not in good health so I will probably die before you get too many chappters furthur along. The so-called 'Golden Years' are a bitch. We might as well be put down at 65.

will be 67 tomorrow.
angelkitty77 chapter 8 . 10/10/2005
cool cant wait toread more
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