Reviews for Les Garcons Tristes
Canned Memes chapter 9 . 10/23/2012
I liked it, some grammatical errors but i won't go mein fuhrer with grammar.
Also the epilogue could be expanded upon more but it still was sweet.
Canned Memes chapter 11 . 10/23/2012
Oh, don't worry. I always make that sickened looking face when i see some of my old reviews(not the same as fics but the feeling is the same i think), also good to see you didn't forget this site, and i will re-read this tale now as i leave this review before starting the fic, i hope you didn't make Marche wear a party hat the entire story or something more creative hehe.
Canned Memes chapter 10 . 4/5/2009
GREAT! This deserve a sequel! Really loved this guilt situation that you done with Marche Really well written story!
1angelette chapter 7 . 7/25/2007
Darling, Ritz's hair is dyed pink. Not red. Luckily, this story is good enough for me to love you anyway.
Neon Majestic chapter 10 . 5/24/2007
Very well done, let me tell you right now. You brought out Marche's guilt perfectly, contrasting it to the true feelings of the others about returning to real Ivalice as opposed to staying in dream Ivalice.

I have a feeling that, perhaps, one of these days I'll write a FFTA fic of my've given me that inspiration to do so. :-P
Retired writer-Hazard 13 chapter 9 . 4/7/2006
Some bastard stole your entire story.
KupoKupoKupo chapter 1 . 4/7/2006
I weep for you, kupo. Your story has fallen prey to a plagarist, and Vampire Slushie and I have done what we can to warn you.

Nanoko is the name of the criminal, and don't worry, she's been flamed already. Her story is Tears of Regret, just to let you know.

So, whatever, and we got your back, kupo.
Pikanchi chapter 1 . 8/8/2005
*continues reading in a very interested manner*

:D Nice so far~
Red Mage Moogle chapter 10 . 7/1/2005

How do you do it, kupo?

How do you write such a kick-ass fic like this, kupo?

Very well done.
Clan Tatl Tael chapter 10 . 6/30/2005
Les Garcons Tristes...WOW. That's all I can really say. I have those types of story ideas, but I can never seem to make them sound right on microsoft. I tried reading it again with some music, awsome. Great job on the story, anyways. I think I'll go read your other stories right now, WITH MUSIC!
YamiPaladinofChaos chapter 9 . 6/25/2005
Brilliant, well written, etc. The best Final Fantasy Tactics Advance story I've ever read. Well done.
Nanaky chapter 9 . 6/17/2005
Good work. This was really a good story.
Retired writer-Hazard 13 chapter 7 . 6/15/2005
Elegant Spiral chapter 7 . 6/15/2005
Poor Marche (hugs chibi Marche doll) This was a great chapie! I hope you update again real soon! Please?
Elegant Spiral chapter 6 . 6/13/2005
Yay! This is good so far! Please update it! Please?
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