Reviews for Blue and Inexperienced
Guest chapter 6 . 1/1/2017
Poor Sasuke... Naruto is pissed.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/31/2016
Hahaha! Sasuke is so awkward about this, but Naruto is awesome. Love it so far, can't wait to read more.
jupimako chapter 9 . 5/16/2015
:D. That was a great story!
jess.c.kong chapter 9 . 1/23/2015
Very cute story! Sasuke as a puppy is hilarious! It was mildly distracting when you didn't put a reference to their age (for example, I was trying to visualize how big Sasuke was but when you mentioned Akamaru, it threw me because it still didn't exactly explain how big he was) my only criticism would be to throw in a mention in the author notes or something. But that aside, I really enjoyed the story; glad he turned back before you had to address the bathroom situation (or discreetly avoided it ;p). The story was humorous with a touch of sadness, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I also liked the side with Kakashi and Iruka...That is my next read! Thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 9 . 9/2/2014
Oooh yeah! My puppy's INSANE! He steals carrots from my rabbit and not only CHASES his tail but also EATS it. It's like he doesn't even know it's attached. Likes pears too... Weird dog.
Guest chapter 7 . 3/3/2014
For the most part this fic is really cute. I like how Naruto took to his"dog" and how Sasuke gradually got used to the situation. I also like how the whole thing was done intentionally by Kakashi to teach Sasuke a lesson. I think it's a lesson he would have learned no matter who found him, it just so happened to be Naruto.

But that isn't to say I like everything bout the fic. I don't like the KakaIru; it feels tacked-on. Iruka has absolutely no purpose in the story except to be yaoi bait for Kakashi. It's a popular pairing and lots of people find a way to incorporate it into their fics, but this is a case where the fic didn't need it, and in fact, would have been better without it since Iruka doesn't have a role in the plot. He's a filler character, essentially. (To see what I mean, mentally replace Iruka with a character you don't like Kakashi to be paired with and then tell me if that other character is still needed for the fic.)

The other thing I don't like is that Sasuke and Naruto started making out as soon as Sasuke was turned back into a human. It felt like you were really rushing the pairing there. Prior to this incident, Sasuke and Naruto didn't have romantic feeling for one another, so it's hard to imagine how that could change so suddenly because of what just happened. Sasuke learned a lot about Naruto, so I can see where he's coming from, but what did Naruto learn about Sasuke? Sasuke was nice to him while he was a dog, but Sasuke needed Naruto, so that explains a lot of his behavior. I can see Naruto feeling a little more favorable to Sasuke now because he made for a good pet, but unlike Sasuke who spent the past couple of days learning about Naruto, Naruto didn't learn anything about Sasuke because Sasuke couldn't speak an really wasn't himself.

The other problem with their makeout session is that they are sexually inexperienced younger teenagers. Although they didn't go all the way, you still had the problem of making virgins act like pornstars. Where was the awkwardness that first-timers normally experience? Neither of them has ever truly kissed another person (the accidental kiss when they were 12 doesn't count) and yet Sasuke was fondling Naruto's nipple and going for his waistband? And did either of them ever give a thought to being attracted to other males prior to this?
Gemini.Rose12 chapter 9 . 1/29/2014
It was cute. One of the cutiest stories I've read...
Dehmer chapter 9 . 1/14/2013
Yes, I so know about the 'invisible creatures'! My dog Balto, when he was but just a wee pup, he used to run around the house baking and chasing ... "Things" as me mom put it. He was and still is a very, Very, VERY weird pup!
PrincessAgainstThePatriarchy chapter 9 . 4/1/2012
Omg loved it!
lisa.demonic.angel chapter 9 . 2/27/2012
okamixcosplayer chapter 9 . 1/31/2012
pure adorable-ness. i mean really! i have a weakness for sasuke-animal anything really it always brings out his best qualities~ - so this was definitly a joy to read!
randomKitty chapter 8 . 7/17/2011
such a cute couple
randomKitty chapter 7 . 7/17/2011


sort of sad

luv it
randomKitty chapter 6 . 7/17/2011
he has some explaing to do

randomKitty chapter 5 . 7/17/2011
when the villagers were being mean i was like

TTTT poooooor naruto *sob*

i wanted to give him a hug

but sasuke beat me to it _

the story is like so nice and cute/funny
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