Reviews for Underground Resistance X
Mrs.Chatton chapter 8 . 6/12/2016
Pleas update! Please? This is awesome!
Fox-Sin chapter 8 . 8/28/2011
Sarah546 chapter 8 . 1/24/2008
I just luv this plot line... I know it has been over a year soo you are not likely to update but I just thought I'd give you major props for this, you have some wicked talent.:)
Angel's horns chapter 8 . 11/17/2006
PLease update... I'm begging you this is such a good story...
JustSmileNod chapter 1 . 9/12/2006
I luved this fic! I'm not a writer myself but I luv reading fics like this! anyways... when r u going to post the next chapter?
Halo's horns chapter 8 . 3/14/2006
Golly Gee Batman, that was amazing! I mean I give you major props. You wrote a amazing fight

scene, maybe it’s just the fact I couldn’t wright one if my life depended on it. Lol anyway, I

loved that you used Dessert Eagles. They are a super cool type of gun. I very much enjoyed

Rogue and Remy trying to beat the live shit out of each other. They flash back scenes where very

nice, graphic. I Really loved the ending, very nice. I say that its kick ass that you birthday is on

St. Patty’s day. SO Happy birthday, keep up the good work, and update soon.
DScript chapter 8 . 3/14/2006
I feel like such a bad person. I really have to update something, ANYTHING. If only to repay you for this awesome, amazing, brilliant chapter!

I LOVED the chapter title, by the way. And their fight. It was really good how you made their moves coincide, sort of. Like dancing., violently? Haha. You're right, Romy beat-downs so beat (No. Pun. Intended.) down other fights. C'mon, a Jott fight? Puh-leeze. ;) Ohh, priceless! A soccer mom car. LOL. Of course, I loved the ending as well. It was great how now they can finally be together again.

Update soon! ;)

-Cat, who is a hypocrite like that
Rialto chapter 8 . 3/14/2006
Update woohoo, i love updates. Your birthday's friday... Happy Birthday in advance then, i hope you have loads of fun.

This chapter was very action packed. Can i ask do you find it hard to write action scenes, judging by this chapter maybe not, it's just it was so detailed, that i find theat really amazing. They really were not willing to let the other person win were there, it was very gung-ho. The intensity works though, it showed their utter devotion to their cause even though they were fighting their own teammates but still fantastic.

I was wondering would Rogue ever use her powers. I suppose she feels it's just too easy to absorb someone than actually fight. And well Rogue's never been one to do it the easy way. So it was Remy who went back to rescue her that is too sweet. So he willingly was captured, that's serious bravery right there.

The last segment was so sad and moving, i'm just happy they've found each other again. It really was like Buttercup and Westley finding each other again just a lot more violent. There was some Mr & Mrs Smith moments in there definately.

I really enjoyed it and can't wait for the next chapter but what's new there... i need to learn some patience. The title of the next chap has me curiois and i'm trying to figure out what it could mean. Well enjoy your birthday on Paddy's day, you should have your own float in the parade, lol.
Hunza chapter 8 . 3/14/2006
*looks around* Carmen, where are you! I miss you too! Its so boring around here and I'm exceptionally lonely and sad cuz my best friend just left for a boarding school! We've been in the same class for Ten years! *sniff*...I cried after her Farewell party... :( yayness! the big fight! So, he likes to be blown away, huh? hehehe...I don't really need to say that I loved it since you already must know that I did! *does crazy dance around room* I'm high on bubblegum! yaynes! hehehe...I'll calm down now...ooh...Bush came to Karachi and because of that there was a bomb blast near the U.S counselate the day before he did! Our school heard it and we even felt it a little bit! March 17th, huh? It's funny, but I'm going to a birthday party at my friend's house that day! Happy Birthday in advance! and Happy 's Day...even though we don't even celebrate it or know what its supposed to bro's apparently gonna get a day off from school that day cuz he studies in 's high school. Lucky twit. I heart holidays. I gotta go now...I mis you...try and come online na! Can you spare some beauty sleep for me? Pretty Please with pink stuff on top? Lol-ness...'nywayz...Bye! Hoping to talk to you soon! Emphasis on 'soon'.
The Past chapter 8 . 3/13/2006
Woot! Don't Remy and Rogue make for great fighting scenes? I always love putting those two up against each other. Yay for the yummy violence, I love it so.

Just a question that I was wondering while I was reading this: Can Remy charge without touch? Like by look like he apparently could in the early comics? The bullet and the tiles made me wonder about that.

Anywho, yay for a new update! I am totally loving this story so it is only due time I comment on it (I have a bad habit of reading but not commenting, normally cause I can't think of anything to say) but I am surprised by the low amount of comment you have for this! I expected way more for a story this good, but then again maybe people are just intimidated by the long comment you normally leave on stories and don't know how to keep up with you P

Keep going! I predict an angry Rogue letting her frustrations (aka: shouting) out on Wolvie for setting her up.
Grin Reaper chapter 8 . 3/13/2006
that story was just...WOW! However the detail with the fight...that was little too much...

All over though...the story's got a great plot and you write pretty smoothly...
emotionalcrack chapter 8 . 3/13/2006
aw, that was awesome. Oh and happy early bday. I love St. Patties day... The only day when everyone i know is Irish!
RogueCharmedOne chapter 8 . 3/13/2006
I loved the new chapter. The action was great, and so was the story on how they met.

Happy Birthday. It cool to know someone else with a St. Patrick's Day birthday.
GothikStrawberry chapter 8 . 3/13/2006
... ... I'm in awe. That's how good this chapter is! I mean WOW! Oh, and I totally get why you would get inspired form Mr. and Mrs. Smith ... through out the whole movie I thought this could be a Romy, which just shows how obsessed I am. lol!

And this time I had all the time in the world to soak in this fantasic chapter ... no more hiding from my boss. :)

Congrats on being on for a whole year! I hope there will be many more.:) Anyhoo I look forward to the next chappie ...:)
Nettlez chapter 8 . 3/13/2006
wow wicked chapter. O happy birthday on good ol' irish I loved this chapter, it rocked, i cant believe i havent reviewed your story yet, how rude of me. So how ya been?lol

I absolutly loved the fight scene, it rocked, i'm so crap at writing them, yours were like wow awesome, i can so imagine the every detail. You rock girl.. you'll have to write me a fight

Hehe i can't wait for the next chapter, please have it out soon, please! Lol they were fightin all that time thinking the other was evil, when in reality its all a big misunderstanding, well at least they cna be all lovey dovey and , oh my gosh, fluffy! Romyness, whoohoo, but don't ya just love the passionate fight scenes, i means its like so sexual, fiery and dramatic, especially between rogue and gambit, hehe its just like oh for goodness sake just Well update soon! please.

Well toodles for now, Nettlez
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