Reviews for Accidently in Love
iL0CAKiTTY chapter 10 . 7/15/2010
me fav. story of them all

i've read this like 5 times now :D

where's the lemon ch.

i couldnt find it D;

*needs lemon*
DAYADEW chapter 10 . 8/15/2009
I couldn't find the link in your profile... help please?

I absolutely LOVE Ren, avid supporter of him and Horo! :D Great Story!
animeXIII chapter 10 . 8/22/2008
great but weres the 10th one?
Makayla chapter 10 . 7/6/2008
This story is so good, I loved the characterisation and Pirika and Tamao are so sweet (its much better than all the ones that turn them into whores/bitches/etc) but I can't find the tenth chapter anywhere!

Could you please email it to me at (for all my needs XD)?
Laila-Chaos-Has-Writer's-Block chapter 10 . 10/22/2007
omg that was SO sweet!my fav was chap 8!
BloodRedViolet chapter 10 . 7/2/2007
this was awesome
werewolf26 chapter 9 . 5/11/2007
that was very cute!
akari-hayashi chapter 10 . 12/21/2006
Kya... That is so cute. :3 It's great that Pirika and Tamao aren't the irritating girlfriends that will break up HoroRen. XD And Ren blushing is just one of the cutest things on earth. Now onto the lemon!
Rocket Fuel chapter 10 . 6/19/2006
Good gawd this was a well written story. I love it so much and keep up the good work. X3
Sad.Whisper chapter 10 . 5/1/2006

i loved ur fic

but i didnt get the end

... i'd like more love and sugar **

well...congratulations n.n

Kaori-same chapter 10 . 3/18/2006
WOW, that was nice ! How cute! I love it

The first RenXHoro I've read in my life is this one ! And I had a CRUSH on them LOL !

NIEH *_*

... Yeah I'm crazy XD

Oh my gosh, quick, I HAVE to read that lemon chapter o

( No, I'm not a pervert ! hihihihihi t.t)

Big Kiss And Well done !

* I'm going to fav this*
Udyjay chapter 9 . 3/1/2006
ZOHMYGOD! YAY HORO, HAO~! Im so proud of them. *tear* XD But anyways, DO A 10th LEMON CHAPTER YOU SEXAY HORR!
Udyjay chapter 8 . 3/1/2006
XD LMAO. Stupid chair! *snaps 3 times* All up in the damn way~!

XD This was cute, and the Jun part cracked me up. When it was like, "She said in a sing-song voice before she exited the room, closing the door behind her. Although, Ren was certain she would remain on the other side, listening closely to anything that happened in the room, perhaps then going to report it to Horo’s younger sister, who swore that she would get them, as in Horo and Ren, together." That had me DYING. XD Ohman.
Udyjay chapter 7 . 3/1/2006
AW~! SO CUTE! :3 They're so cute for each other.
Udyjay chapter 6 . 3/1/2006
Aww~! Pirika is so sweet.
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