Reviews for Love Song
kerumica chapter 23 . 12/15/2007
Awesome story. Great lyrics! Thanks for sharing :)
cruiseberry chapter 23 . 1/21/2007
I loved this! Too bad there isn't a sequel, but I guess one awesome story'll have to do for now. However, if you ever descide to write one, I'll definitely read it.

Thanks for a wonderful fic!
Araea Swiftwind chapter 1 . 2/5/2006
This story was very good. I am glad I got the opportunity to read it. Good work.
Ekari-Chan chapter 23 . 1/11/2006
I love your story, I love it! *Glomps* i couldn't stop reading it! I even printed out all 154 pages, (Font 6) \\*Shifty eyes*/

I take it every where, i told my friends about it and let them read it and they love it too!

I only have a few things that i was like...Nani?...

During the scene when Sanzo tells Goku about his past and being raped. ...I...can't see Sanzo as the one to tell Goku. I can see Hakkai telling Goku, maybe at Sanzo's off hand request, but not Sanzo,hes never been the one to be so open.

Also, i can't see Shuuei as the one to rape Kouryuu,not like that...

Maybe after the the death of his Master, but not before. Shuuei was so nice, yes with a hit of evil or odd intentions, but i never thought he could do such a loved Kouryuu, and always protected him from the other monks, i just couldn't see it, Maybe if he was framed for something, put into jail, then change, after...yes i could...*Sobs*

I love this fanfiction, i normally can't stand Alt. Uni. But i love it! Kyaa Kyaa! *Dances around* Thank you for writing it! _

*Bows* Arigatou!
ofudamaster chapter 23 . 8/16/2005
All right, I've been holding off and now I'm giving you a giant long-ass review. Be prepared!

First off, once again, you've portrayed Sanzo brilliantly. I was so completely happy with the way he was written, I can't say that enough.

My second favorite thing was the way you paralelled the original Saiyuki story in so many ways, but making them fit in a modern setting. One of my favorites was using Li Touten as one of the judges and saying Nataku is the best guitarist, which has so many parallels for the Gaiden plot (esp Goku rivalling Nataku for the position of Taishi). I was really impressed with all these little elements put in and how coherent the plot was.

A lot of the cameos were really well done, especially taking a new angle on Shuuei's relationship with Sanzo, and sticking in Shunrei to give the guys a helping hand. And you gave more room to remind everyone how creepy Dougan is (haha)

Also, as a side, I really don't like Kougaiji. I think you wrote him perfectly, showing all the sides of him that I don't like and how he's such a complete antithesis of Sanzo. That being said, you really pulled him around in the end in a way that I hope Minekura will also do.

Needless to say, I adored this story completely, it was a lot of fun to read.
ofudamaster chapter 11 . 8/16/2005
Well I've been reading the whole thing but this is my first review. (coughs)

I'm completely blown away by your portayal of Sanzo. You've got him DEAD ON. I'm really really deeply impressed with the way you've written him.
Selina chapter 23 . 7/31/2005
I thought that this was an interesting fanfic. It was alot like the books yet completely different. SAo I had alot of fun reading this.
Martini chapter 23 . 7/29/2005
Definatly the best romance fic I'e ever read. Please write a sequel!
markyc58 chapter 23 . 7/20/2005
I just finished reading your story 'Love Song'. I usually make it a point to avoid AU stories because I find that the writers can't seem to keep the personalities of the characters true-to-form when they are taken out of their usual surroundings; but in this case, I was very pleasantly surprised to find just the opposite was true. The characters remained true, the storyline was excellent, the depth of the characters made them seem very 'alive', and all-in-all, it was a very enjoyable, and satisfying read. Congradulations! I will be looking forward to reading more of your work. Have a great day!
mistic fox chapter 23 . 7/18/2005
aw, that was so sweet, i luved the whole story! it was realy good!
loveandpeace522 chapter 23 . 7/18/2005
-breaks down sobbing- how sweet and perfect your like just an incredible author! This story was superb and amazing just sweet! I think I'm going to reread it over just to cry and be happy again. My newest favorite fic by far I can't wait to see what other fics you come out with. -sniffles- Remember to leave tissue next time. lol. Keep up the excellant work.
Darkellie chapter 23 . 7/18/2005
Oh my god. I love this. I love this story, this ending so much.

When you last updated I was on vacation and didn't get the e-mail until after I came back. After that, I could hardly wait for the last installment of chapters, checking my e-mail throughout the days, at odd times hoping for an update. Thank you so much for doing it so soon. I just got over going to work non stop in the sun, with little to no sleep after the past three days because of HP & HBP so wake up after a sleep-fufilled night to this. It was exactly what I needed to bring a smile- abeit tired one- to my face.

This is so lovely. I just am so amazed about how your story and that of Saiyuki meshs(sp?) together. It makes the story more fantastic and wonderful especially how your story compliments that of Saiyuki. So thank you again.

I'll stop rambling and repeating myself. But you are my number one Saiyuki fanfiction writer. (I've been looking high and low for other wonderful fiction pieces but been mostly unable to even capture some of your talent in other works.)

But, really thank you.

Karone Richardson
Kawaii Kitsune chapter 23 . 7/18/2005
Definitely one of the best Saiyuki fics I've read so far. I love how it's AU but still so in character. It's a rare feat and you've pulled it off wonderfully. Anyway, great job and I look forward to your fics in the future.
Trinity Morgan chapter 23 . 7/18/2005
Yet another chapter that I cried it. What're you doing to me? You turned me into a softie! Fantastic epilogue here, and I'm really hoping that you'll consider doing another multi-chapter Saiyuki fic, and if you do decide to do one, I'll be waiting! And even if you don't, I'll still read those cute little one-shots that you write so well. So...until then,

Trinity Morgan chapter 22 . 7/18/2005
I'm totally blown away. I actually CRIED in this chapter...something that I hardly ever do, and it was tears of joy I tell you. There couldn't have been a more perfect ending, and I thought that Goku singing his own song was a great idea, and loved how Sanzo joined in on it, even though he said that he didn't know that words. This is my favorite story of all time, and every word of it is magnificent.

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