Reviews for The Echo
Tequila Princess chapter 22 . 11/15/2008
Hey there. I haven't read Journey's End yet but I thought you wrote this and Lie in the Sound beautifully. You managed to give 2 stories a really laid-back, reflective tone, which went very well with the drama the stories had. For me it was really good, but others might find that a bit disconcerting. After all, this is about Rikku and Gippal, and they're as far from laid-back and reflective as you can go. Yeah, the two main characters themselves were really different from how they were from the game, but I guess that's due to the pregnancy. Situations like that really force people to mature don't they?:)

Anyhoo. I especially love how the flashbacks were placed, if you will, before a similar scene happening in the present. It's a very nice touch.

BUT! I thought that Rikku waking up from her coma (in Lie in the Sound) was too, er, uneventful. I mean, after describing the all the pain and worry the rest of the gang went through while she was out, I would've expected you to go into this long narration of the introspection Rikku must have done while she was unconscious. But you didn't. There was only one paragraph or so about it, and then she woke up. I dunno, I was like, "that's it?" Sorry.:(

And there were times when I felt you gave Rikku and Gippal more problems just to stretch the stories more. Like Rikku refusing to go back to Djose after giving birth. That was a real WTF moment, if you ask me.:) Rikku must have been post-partum depression-ing, 'cause that really didn't make any sense. Gippal obviously showed that he loved her and the baby, and wasn't that what she wanted? Or Gippal almost getting his freak on with Adena. (Speaking of that, that girl is such a whore. Why would anyone do that to the love her supposed friend's life? I hate her, lol.) Was that really necessary? They were having enough problems as is.

Gaah, I hope you don't kill me.:( Just my two cents.

But I did like this a whole lot. You were able to describe the scenes so well that I really got carried away with everything. I cried when Gippal said he didn't want to play games anymore, blushed like hell when they made love for the first time after finally resolving their conflicts, went "aw" everytime Telan did her baby-stuff (I think that kid is such a cutie, and I haven't even seen her!), among other things.

I love how you showed the depth of Rikku and Tidus' relationship. I always felt like they were best friends during FFX; I'm glad someone else saw that too.:) What Gippal said about Rikku and Tidus looking like soulmates is probably true.

So yeah. I have tons more to say, but I have to go do school stuff, so I'll leave it here. Keep up the good work! I'll be starting on Journey's End as soon as I understand Calculus. Hope Gippal shoves Adena off a cliff there. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I'm evil.:
nessie6 chapter 6 . 6/21/2008
Wait so...does your Gippal only wear the eyepatch just because? There's nothing wrong with it?

Love this by the way...I knew he'd be w/somebody when she walked in.

inactiveacount2323829831 chapter 22 . 7/2/2007
AMAZING! I LUBBED IT SOO MUCH! hehe :) ya did aweosme! shes pregnant? WOW! :P
inactiveacount2323829831 chapter 10 . 7/2/2007
OMG! WOWA! Her and Baralai...? weird... lol jk! Very nice chappie! very coolio :P
SyncroX chapter 22 . 10/18/2006
Uh oh...that's bad...
SyncroX chapter 1 . 10/18/2006
Sometimes I feel Rikku is insane...
JenovaJuice97 chapter 22 . 9/24/2006
i loved ur story

i hated that you ended it w/her pregnant *sigh* now i have to wait to find out whats gonna happen but i liked it
chica-lanza chapter 21 . 3/31/2006
I think that your story is amazing...well bothh of them in fact the twist at the end of echo fantastic and i am waiting impatiently for the sequel and i will continue to wait for it but please HURRY UP!

Sorry if i came across strong but its just such a good story and wana read the next good luck and remember im waiting ; ) lol
BE-Mistress chapter 22 . 3/13/2006
OH! oh oh oh OH! i SWAER. about midway through this chapter i figured out your twist. no, really i did LOL. and i didnt peek, honest! but its a good twist, though not really anything new in the realm of fanfics but its a good twist. and thus comes back the long awaited drama )

but now im thinking.. naw.. cant be his. proabbly some otehr guy and not his. because gippals such a good father to telan and poor kid's gonna be scarred for life once he finds out of his fathers affair. and adena really is a bitch, oh my. shes gonna use this kid to blackmail him and ohh.. LOL. im really looking forward to seeing what things unfold in the sequel!

as an overall impression, i must say that the plot line of this fic was excellently constructed and the story (though sometimes streched a bit more than necessary) was well paced considering their situations and episodes of tremendous emotion. there are a lot of great one liners in this fic, and i have to say that the beginning italiced part of this chapter with the sun and moon comparision is perhaps my favourite because it really is beautifully written, and im sure ill be thinking about it time and time again.

i definitely liked this better than lie in the sound, mostly because rikku was more interactive in this fic LOL and i completely fell in love with telan (and to think i was first sorta annoyed of her for getting in the way of rik/gip's romance life!).

but, as much as im ashamed saying so because i seem to be the only person saying this and im really sorry and i really hope i dont sound like a snob because i dont mean to.. but i cant really say this fic has become a favourite of mine. because still, some parts felt stretched and unncessary. and the beginning especially felt at times unrealistic and the drama way too much and rikku's unmotherly behavior (though yes, i know, she had her reasons) really bugged me. but i tremendously enjoyed it (as you can see i read this all in one sitting and my butt is numb).

and since this fic was so much better than lie in the sound (not to say that lie int he sound wasnt good too!) im seriously getting excited jsut thinking about how the third sequel would turn out! good job with this fic jezzi. you made me literally squirm and gasp and smack my forehead and im sorry for overloading your reviews list LOL.
BE-Mistress chapter 21 . 3/13/2006
"forever and always".. that was corny. but when you're happy and youre in love, you expect and you crave for it because theres no fairy tale ending without the corny DD

loved how he slid the ring right into her jsut to be sure haha. and you actually had me worried there she was gonna say no. whew.. but now... the last chapter. HMM... what is this twist of yours? i cant figure it out.. adenas gonna be back ya de ya... but how and why?
BE-Mistress chapter 20 . 3/13/2006
OKAY DID I GET THIS RIGHT: when he asked her "Where do you want it to go" is that suppsoed to reference to the time she asked HIM while she was pregnant where he wanted things to go and then he was all, 'later, maybe, unnoe'. and now that he's asking HER with the thought of marriage in his mind she's kinda just shrugging it off too? she didn't get what he was trying to say? did i get that right? because thats really genius of you to come up with that! but if im wrong, then i feel stupid for getting all worked up for no reason lol.

ahha loved the line: "I could call you my little hyperactive idiot instead.."

these past few chapters have been seemingly stretched lately. and really, no mean to offend you at all, but they almost seemed a bit tiny bit boring because all the dramas like gone. i mean, it was overwhelming at first and too much to handle but i kinda miss it now that they're all happy and living peacefully. lol i sound mean. only 2 chapters left, and i guess knwoing that youre proabbly reserving it for the proposal makes it predictable and a bitty bit boring.

but then again, there's a sequel. and im so betting on the fact that you're gonna surprise me... i know it, i so do..
BE-Mistress chapter 19 . 3/13/2006
the scene between tidus and gippal felt awkward. LOL. for me. because my guy friends never talk like that, but the girls would. and that just made me feel awkward.

i was so excited before about them getting married but then after reading gippal's little monolongue thingy in the beginning about why he was so nervous, i understand why he feels its so hard, cause hes afraid of destroying the simple sweet life they have so far. and its so sweet that he thinks that way. *daydreamysigh. lol.
BE-Mistress chapter 18 . 3/13/2006
lol cute and conversational chapter. although (again, i am growing very attached to telan) i felt a little uneasy with yuna and rikku talking about sex right over telan. ack. threemonth old kid been through so much. it deserves to just sit and watch barney instead of hearing about her parents' romance life.

WHICH AH HAH! i was right! he's gonna propose! m.. i hope the scene wont turn out cheesy lol.
BE-Mistress chapter 17 . 3/13/2006
yeah okay, im gonna be thingy about the parenting again because they really shouldve gone up and taken care of telan, oh seriously, poor baby. lol

this chapter was nicely written, so full of romance and less of the drama that'd been overwhelming in the earlier chapters. liked that you didnt take the sex scene into too too much detail. it just wouldnt fit and seem right with telan in the other room..
BE-Mistress chapter 16 . 3/13/2006
lol highlights in this chapter were the 'duck man' (and im so happy ive pasted that part in the game and understand the reference!)and just seeing them together and happy again. but the part with the whole cat and meowing thing sounded a bit cheesy for me.. lol. it made me laugh though.

really these past chapters have been overall cheery. im kinda getting scared now that this is all just a big setup for one HUGE downfall and im just gonna be downright shocked outta my brains..
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