Reviews for Always Be My Baby
kpop38 chapter 24 . 4/1/2017
This was one of the neatest chapters I've ever read with the countdown memories. Great idea! I love to see them happy with their kids! Thanks for sharing your talents!
kpop38 chapter 18 . 4/1/2017
As soon as I read the chapter name I knew who was going to be back. I DISLIKE CHRIS immensely! What a conceited ass to think he can just show up and Lorelai will take him back. He was a horrible, nonexistent father and even worse man.
Didine34790 chapter 24 . 8/15/2011
very good story, i thoroughly enjoyed it!
Julie chapter 24 . 7/8/2006
i loved this story becaus you seemed to think of exactly how i wanted GG to go. all the other ones use Logan(who i hate) as rory's love interest. my favorite parts were when i could actually imagine the characters saying the lines(which happened alot!) one thing that you could do is fix typos. i know its a small thing but they drive me crazy! anyway, im excited for the sequel!
godisgood08 chapter 19 . 7/7/2006
Awesome story! I would love to have the link to the website...It sounds like you put in a lot of work and that shows with the quality of the story! Good job!

There's Magic in the Music chapter 24 . 7/6/2006
i just read the whole thing, and i'm happy to say that i loved it! I'm going to read the sequel now. Bye!
sarahb2007 chapter 24 . 7/3/2006
I loved this fic can't wait for the sequel so please if you can update ASAP with that.


froschpapperl chapter 24 . 6/30/2006
this chapter was really really great
Julia chapter 24 . 6/29/2006
WOW! Between this morning and last night i read all your scripts. They are so adorable. Lauren is so funny; trying to take all teh attention. Little shy will. LOL. you are an awesome writer. I cant wait untill you post your sequel!
JJSoulmatesLL chapter 24 . 6/28/2006
aww such a great last chapter! Loved the 1, 2 ,3 thing u did! Great job.
RogueHoney chapter 24 . 6/28/2006
oo i luved the ending! great way to end the story! yay sequel! lemme know when that gets put up! i wanna read it!
Gilmoregrl519 chapter 24 . 6/28/2006
That was a good story!
Christi06 chapter 24 . 6/28/2006
So cute!
xlostangelx chapter 24 . 6/28/2006
As I've been reading this story, I have noticed it getting better and better. Well, the storyline has always been adorable. Your writing, though, has greatly improved. In the earlier chapters, your writing is a bit shakier, your descriptions fewer and less detailed, and your spelling and grammar...less than perfect. But, reading this last chapter, it really stuck me as how much, over the course of this fic, you have improved as a writer, and I applaud you for that.

Oh, god. Rereading this, I've realized how stuck-up it sounds, which isn't exactly what I'm going for, since I'm probably younger than you. Ahh well. It's still all true
StarsHollowGazette2010 chapter 24 . 6/28/2006
I absolutely loved this story. I hope the sequal comes soon!
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