Reviews for Harry Potter and the War Within
Guest chapter 52 . 8/31/2016
*Even centaurs can't be neutral about being eater* That is an absolutely brilliant line! I've enjoyed this storyline so much, but this made it impossible to not laugh out loud.

Sagittarius serpentarius chapter 34 . 3/13/2013
Okay, I know this is an older story, and I REALLY enjoyed the first one but... The constant cramming of religion down one's throat has made this one entirely unbearable... Done, going no further. Pity
Shawn chapter 1 . 8/14/2009
In the realm of human existence all love is Earthly bound; and by the moonlight of maturity, we must pass it blindly, unlabeled, and untethered into the night.

The next time you want to make a point about universal love, make sure the message can be held as true by all. Just as surely as love is universal, not all families are nuclear, not all friends are steadfast, not all relationships are golden, and all of us carry the burden of evil into the night; because love is free and flows from place to place. It changes focus and shapes lives by its fleeting touches, precious in quantity, unable to be conferred by any one man to all. You give shape and identity to love by the way you write it; but how does one grasp your message when their hands are a different shape?

Your protagonist is ineffective because he is tethered to a pre-established order of things. Who can learn when the lessons have already been written? The quick of the soul is in life. Spirit isn't parable, or mission, or fate, it is independent and serendipitous discovery. Let your characters discover their fate without approach or ideology, and you will be pleasantly surprised with the ubiquity of the message.

In short: all that is religion is retrospect, all that is truth is found. The truth is not communal, pass it unlabeled so that it may be self-identified.
Bone White Butterfly chapter 8 . 7/29/2009
"And people don’t just have their life-partners names popped out of a fiery goblet."

I think I have detected a fic petpeeve. Great sequel to a good story. I will say though that it's a bit odd to move from a piece about goblin relations to a love story in the (mostly) unromantic sense. I suppose I'm used to fanfic series working from a narrower vision, and at least the change means I'm not getting bored at all.

Dobby's romance in the last story was fantastic and utterly adorable, by the way.

Thanks for the read,

The Emerald Ingot chapter 73 . 7/6/2007
in the time it's taken me to read this story, and it's predicessor, i couldn't do it in one sitting. Not only from the leingth, (which i find absolutely wonderful on a site full of short stories) or the distractions of daily life, but there were also times where i had to stop because i myself became to emotional to read them. Several instances, like when Melony was near death at the Battle of Gringotts. There were also time where i had to stop to re-evaluate my look on life. This story perfectly encompasses the very essence of being the bigger man. I'm ashamed that there are so few who can practice even a fraction.

I've found no faults from spelling or grammer, except that it felt like a word was missing here and there, but i know that occasionally the site will delete a word.

Drama, emotional and character development is supurb. There are only a very small handfull of stories on this site that could measure up to your writing. I've read published novels with worse character development or proper and believable emotion that yours. Should you ever wish to publish a novel, I support you fully. Anything you could think of would, no doubt, be an instant classis. Well, to me anyway.

I find myself speachless, despite my ramblings. As much as i try to fool myself, i'm not much of a writer, and i find it difficult to express myself properly. The feeling i get from this story is utterly overwelming. I've no doubt that i'll be walking around in an afterglow just from finishing, let alone the moral lesson you conveyed. I guess that the only way i can properly sum up my thoughts is thus: Brilliant.
TheX00 chapter 11 . 7/1/2007
A second there, I was wondering if Marge was a witch. I guess not though.

FANTASTIC STORY! :) Just had to let that out.

It's helped me in many ways, giving me info that would be difficult to aquire, from both family and church. Thank you.

Keep it up! Looking forward to getting to part I!
coffee walnut chapter 46 . 5/12/2007
just finished reading both the war within and its prequel... although i loved the prequel i was a bit sceptic about reading this one when i went through the summary... but it was amazing, the way you had woven the story around all the stuff, the way all the things went on at a sedate pace, just the right amount of suspense, just the right amount of explanation at the right time, so that it was not too much to take yet kept the person on the edge of their seat... good work!
TxA-GunFighter chapter 73 . 2/8/2006
Can't wait to read the sequel.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 72 . 2/8/2006
Very good story. Enjoyed it very much.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 71 . 2/8/2006
Very good.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 70 . 2/7/2006
Very good, gotta love the

TxA-GunFighter chapter 69 . 2/7/2006
Nice chapter.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 68 . 2/7/2006
Outstanding chapter. Very good.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 67 . 2/7/2006
Outstanding chapter.

TxA-GunFighter chapter 66 . 2/6/2006
Awesome, that was great.

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