Reviews for Symmetry
ElementUchihaMaster chapter 6 . 8/18/2012
Great job. It was an enjoyable read.
ToKissTheRoses chapter 7 . 7/13/2009
I've read this story multiple times now, and I still love it. :D Especially Ephraim at the end! Haha! "DENIED!"
Jes chapter 5 . 2/1/2009
LOL... Seth - quieter than usual. Nice snippets of humour here and there.
Jes chapter 1 . 2/1/2009
I love the interaction... great start to no doubt will be a great story!
NewPaladin chapter 7 . 11/16/2008
Ah. I love Ephraim in the end, when he finally tells Seth what he shall do. Without him they would never... no Eirika would do something this time. She wouldnt let Seth go.

Oh, and the scene when she confesses her love after the quarrel with Rennac was so sweet.

“Now, before we do get down to proper celebration, does anyone know why there’s an army on my lawn?”

The best sentence ever
strawberry-tree chapter 7 . 7/3/2008

Over the past few days I've steadily been reading through most of your fanfictions (The Fire Emblem ones, at least) and I was so impressed that I had to write to you. Your writing is very, very good, so far I agree with all your pairings, and if you ever become a novelist I will read your books. Of all the writing on , I think your is some of the best.

Thank you for making this silly little Fire Emblem fangirl happy!

ExDeltaShadowz chapter 7 . 11/13/2007
I'm still laughing my head off at Eirika's outburst. Three words: Romantic. Funny. Descriptive. Oh, and I absolutely love the part where Eirika gets back at Rennac for forcing her to admit her love for Seth! You know, the part about L'Arachel? And Ephraim in the last chapter? Hilarious.

Possibly the entire castle joined in the cheer as princess and knight kissed at last. Because he was in that kind of mood, Ephraim didn’t bother asking for quiet, but merely shouted over the jubilant tumult. “Now, before we do get down to proper celebration, does anyone know why there’s an army on my lawn?”

I really rolled on the floor having a laughing fit. I hope to see more works like this in the future! -adds story to faves-
Chajiko chapter 7 . 7/5/2007
Fast-moving, skillfully written and uproariously funny. What a fun ride that was!

I was reminded in style of the Enchanted Forest chronicles by Patricia C Wrede, actually.

Really good fanfiction is hard to come by, but I seem to have struck the jack-pot here. Well done!
icedragonchilde chapter 7 . 6/1/2007
WOOHO! GO EPHRAIM! Bwahahahahahahaha! ah. . .that made me SO incredibly happy. *cheers* Congradulations on another excellent story! All your stories have such a Fire Emblem-oid feel! It's great, me lurv.

And ah. . .that ending made me so happy. . .freakin' go Ephraim!
icedragonchilde chapter 4 . 5/31/2007
Whe! I love how you encorporate so many elements from the game like all the specific weapons and spells and monsters. I must say, however, that weaving a class change into your story was just BRILLIANT. I loved it. Too cool! *grin grin*
icedragonchilde chapter 2 . 5/31/2007
Aw! *sniff* Poor Seth! I hope he gets a happy ending.

And Amelia is starting to rock! *cackle* *trots away to read more*
piratelore chapter 7 . 3/13/2007
Ephraim. Is. Priceless. I love how he came to the rescue, right when the story seemed to be taking a turn in the wrong direction. It made me laugh so hard XD
Nightmaric chapter 7 . 12/14/2006
(falls over in laughter) Dear lord. Who knew Ephraim could get high on sugar or something of the sort? XD I really love this story. Really nice. And since Seth is so keen to follow orders, why not let Ephraim order him to marry his sister? XD Great plot, especially with the use of Rennac. Poor Forde though...
Ganheim chapter 7 . 10/25/2006
Chapter Seven: Secrets Worth Knowing

and by the time it had rumbled its was across the cavern, the three had scattered in a disorienting burst.

[Is that perhaps supposed to say “rumbled its _way_ across the cavern”?]

but Franz kept the Cyclops manoeuvring and watching, never getting close enough to him to strike.

[“Manoeuvring” looks like a misspelling to me, dialectical differences or no.]

the only proper description of the sound was unfortunately centuries away from Magvel; it was like listening to a circular saw carve through a city block’s worth of power transformers

[That was a remarkably effective way of using a modern-day reference in a middle-age era story. There’s a first.]

“Don’t tell your enemies when you’re exhausted.”

[Good tip.]

“Franz, keep it from retreating!” Eirika commanded, apparently deciding to Take Command.

[Repeating ‘command’ too often in close proximity.]

One of the phantoms waved its axe at them cheerfully.

[Though I decided a while ago that there were too many funny lines to point out, this one needed to be specifically congratulated.]

The entire world seemed to be gently reverberating.

[I liked how that was phrased.]

Still looking stern and obviously enjoying himself too much, her surveyed the crowd.

[Shouldn’t that be “_he_ surveyed the crowd”?]

This was an excellent read. The drama, characters and plot were superb, and there was enough humor liberally sprinkled in for a potentially gloomy tale to remain a lighthearted story. I would be honored if you would like to read one of my stories.

God bless and happy writing,

Ganheim chapter 6 . 10/25/2006
Chapter Six: Evidence of Things Not Seen

Her Lunar mount was amazingly strong and fast, but had an irritating tendency to assume that just because it could leap chasms twenty feet across, so could everything it was pulling.

[I loved the mental image that brought up.]

"Ahhagh," the guard shrieked calmly, nodded once, and sprinted for Rausten.

[This line brought a flashback of Galaxy Quest.]

Besides, she hadn't felt like smiling – except in grim satisfaction for what felt like weeks.

[Missing the closing hyphen after “satisfaction”.]

Or those cyclopes from the southeast."

[Isn’t it generally spelled “cyclops”?]

Still Arnord listened, through the sound-channels in the stone, waiting to see how Eirika would die.

[The first comma after “listened” is unnecessary, the following segment is an extension of that idea.]

God bless and happy writing,

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