Reviews for Beauty and The Bash Brother
auroraziazan chapter 20 . 8/1/2006
Aww, this was so sweet. I really like the interaction between the main characters, and the explanations you provided for so many different things.
maxonly chapter 20 . 2/7/2006
Cute. I think that sums up the story. It used Tammy (OMGYAY) and paired her where I couldn't see it - but now I can't not. Well done. There were a few typos of doom, but nothing huge. Maybe have a beta look over it sometime? THe plot was nice though - and original, thank the gods.
HellsGuardian87 chapter 20 . 9/1/2005
Finally Tammy realised what everyone knew all along! I totally loved this chapter, and you already know I think there should be a sequel. You did a good job with this story. I loved it. Can't wait to read the sequel when you get round to it.
Banksiesbabe99 chapter 20 . 8/31/2005
YES! I need a sequel, you know I do. I'm so upset, it's over, and I don't want it to be :*(

I can't believe how quick you've put this story together, it only seems a few weeks ago you emailed me asking what I thought, and now it's all over and done with :*(**

Ar how sweet of you to say that I inspire you, but seriously I do believe it's the other way around lol.

Anyways sequel, sequel, sequel! Bet you ca'nt guess what I want can ya lol.

Anyways keep it up! Congrats on a great story.

pinkemj chapter 20 . 8/30/2005
I loved your story. I read it in one sitting. I didn't think that the pairing would work but it was so great. I also love Madison so could you please put her in you sequel. Can't wait to read it.
madmbutterfly713 chapter 20 . 8/30/2005
*Cries* That was *sob* awesome. You totally *sniff* rock. I'm so sad it's *wails* over! I would really appreciate it if you wrote a sequeal, I would read it from the beginning this time, I promise. This is going on my favorites! *Cries again* I love this story!


oOGuyGermaineOo chapter 20 . 8/30/2005
Loved the ending of the story!

To answer your question, yes! No doubt aboutit, there just has to be a sequel!

You can't just end it right there.

We all would love to read what happens in their future.

Maybe marriage, or someone trying to break them up?

Maybe a move?

Possibly some madison / portman included?

I'll keep my eyes open for it if / when it happens!
antiIRONY chapter 20 . 8/30/2005
BEAUTIFUL.. sad, wonderful, happy, romantic, just... perfect. It's been a great experience, and I'm disappointed that it's over. Thank-you for making me a part of this.
antiIRONY chapter 19 . 8/30/2005
Very beautiful... I'm sorry I disappeared for a few days... I have that tendency to wander away. I could definitely see this turning into a movie. Very nice.
account-deleted-1990 chapter 20 . 8/30/2005
Aw, an happy ending :D Yay!

Hope to read an other story in the future :D

Anyway great final chapter and story!

10 Times Hurray! for you!
zshp1411 chapter 20 . 8/30/2005
Great chapter; really well done. This story was awesome
B chapter 20 . 8/29/2005
Wow awesome story. I really love how you brought Tammy back in to the "duck world" and made her and Fulton together, I can defiantly see them together in the movie. Well great job, cant wait for the next story! ~B
Banksiesbabe99 chapter 19 . 8/29/2005
Arr I loved that. It was like one of the sweetest things I've ever read. So romantic, and all warm and fluffy lol. I loved it - oops I already said that lol, but I can't help it lol.

Anyways, update soon. Keep it up!

HellsGuardian87 chapter 19 . 8/28/2005
YAY! *claps* Lol, I loved this chapter, and I can't wait for the next one to see how they break the news to Scott.

Keep it up!
madmbutterfly713 chapter 19 . 8/28/2005
Gahh! She did it! She's finally come to reality! A big round of applause for Tammy! Sheesh, I thought she was never gonna get it through her head that she still loved him, but I'm glad she finally did anyway. Fulton deserves it. That was really good and update soon!
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