Reviews for Eye of the Storm
RandowReview chapter 2 . 5/10/2010
Dude...and that's all I'm going to say...

In all seriousness, I enjoy where the story is going so far even with the numerous grammatical errors here and there. Not really the worst I've seen in a work of fanfiction, but try to get most of them ironed out for the finale...whenever that may be?
Gaian Knight chapter 2 . 3/10/2008
Not sure if this story will ever be worked on again, but I thought I'd throw in my fandom two cents in here, and all that. First off, other than a few grammar and spacing bar tidbits, the story is good mainly on it's own auspice.

Now, for the fact of the following. Having read one other story that goes 'farther' into the detail I suspect everyone wants to 'read' in this one, I state that this place is not 'supposed' to be a lemon site. Warnings and all that aside, that should 'not' what the story is enjoyed for. Given there 'are' too dang many Fayt*Albel pairings that make me 'wonder' about things around in this category alone, reading these pairing versions should be about the romance, and not the copulation that goes with.

Not like I don't feel that way other, but I have a wife of nine years to help all 'that' out. So I digress.

I would, if this was ever approached again for a last chapter, go with the 'Gone with the Wind' method of plot development, and run with the 'aftermath' of all this. Seeing how they both deal with Cliff afterwards alone, would be worth that much. Given what we 'know' what happens next here, there's a better way to finish this all out, than go down the obvious path. Sometimes I honestly wonder in writing, fiction or nor, where writers hormones are. Given I have written as such in my own works at one point, I know better.

As for the story of it's own pure regard, for it's intent, it succeeds as advertised. Well done, and 'would' like to see how this finishes out. Sorry for the long review, but I felt I needed to respond somewhat here. A good fan needs to do that. Make no mistake, this is a good fiction story, I look forward to more, if there more to ever come. Either way, good luck in further endeavors.
Kev chapter 2 . 2/21/2008
Thats not cool man! you stopped while it was getting good! not only that, this is an great story with the perfect amount of detail and wording to make anyone read this. Plz update soon!
ILuvNewUpdates chapter 2 . 9/2/2007
hi, i'm reviwing for my sister...shes been bugging me every night to reviw for her. she really enjoys your story, and she is hoping that you will reviw soon.

if not for her than think of me...shes so annoying when she's deserate for something, shes sitting right next to a sweat saying good bye because shes dying...please for the love of god consider updating soon...i can't take it anymore.

thank you for listening to our request and continue doing a good job. .
Varinkas chapter 2 . 6/18/2007
Very good so far, I look forward to a conclusion if you get a chance to finish it.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/21/2007
ZombieZapper101 chapter 2 . 3/10/2007
Maria and Fayt!
ViktorValentine chapter 2 . 1/18/2007
AH thou must continue! (ahem) BTW Iwas flicking through stuf randomy, read this and it rocks man! Keep this story goin dude, lots of cookies and milk too!
Ra-Horakhty7125 chapter 2 . 1/16/2007
Maxmagnus20019 chapter 2 . 1/11/2007
Good chapter! A bit fast, but still very intense and emotional.

Gotta love the Cliff-style interruption :P

The chapter had a good share of ups and downs, which is common when two people are relunctant to admit feelings to each other.
asga chapter 2 . 1/11/2007
omg I love this, please continue :D
Hououza chapter 2 . 1/11/2007
Excelent chapter.

Glad to know it coninuted, look forwards to part 3 when you have the time.

Good luck & best wishes,

crash and burnn chapter 1 . 9/13/2006
please update
ShadowSnake27 chapter 1 . 6/16/2006
i feel sorry for Maria she loves him alot but she cant tell him. keep up the good work

Thorn the Red Dragon chapter 1 . 1/26/2006
Hey, this was a very well written fanfic, have you considered a career as a writer? I no good at stories myself but I am very good with poetry, and I know writing talent when I see it. You definetly have serious potential, I can't wait for part two.
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