Reviews for Dusk
Ron-Kenji chapter 1 . 4/1/2008
Simply brilliant. The flow of the story was good and it was an interesting read.

'Huang Hun' is one of my fav songs too. So thanks for adding it in...
Rose Unspindle chapter 1 . 7/31/2006
Love it. Especially the fish scene.
Paradigm08 chapter 1 . 3/21/2006
Ah so it this a one shot? This was a cute story and I think you did a great job keeping everyone in character...don't worry about it~ Anyway...keep up the good work with your other stories too!
Kaeru-sama chapter 1 . 3/21/2006
heh... even though i've read this long ago... (before i joined i mean...) is still want to make it as a fave story! I really love this, seriously!
Cerulean San chapter 1 . 12/16/2005
Thta was... wow o.o;.

So,... bittersweet, yet hopeful. A wonderful piece. xD Loved the fish part, it's so like Kyo to torture a poor salesman.
Cloud 9 chapter 1 . 9/6/2005
Wish there were more stories like yours that aren't set in AU's.. nice and short!
Arin Ross chapter 1 . 8/5/2005
I liked this story a lot. You had good humor in it- Kyo torturing the poor standsman, for example- and Yuya using the anime/manga law of "No matter how strong he still is, if you're determined enough, you can drag him somewhere." I liked your addition of Chinese poetry and calligraphy and myth- very creative. However, I do have one critique. It would be very unusual to see non-japanese tradesmen, because during the Tokugawa period, the country had a firm anti-foreigner policy, imposed for the purpose of preventing certain Europeans other than the Dutch from bringing christianity and missionaries into the country. I'm pretty sure, but not certain, that that applied to Chinese and others as well. if they were there, they're be near Kobe or Nagasaki, not Edo. Sorry to critigue, but I thought you'd like to know. One other thing, though this isn't a critique, just a fact you might like- it is almost impossible, even to a Japanese person, to tell a chinese and a japanese apart simply by looks. Even Koreans are hard to tell apart. The way people notice is not in the face, but in the langauge and the mannerisms. Example: Japanese lay their money down to pay for things. Chinese throw it down. Weird, ne?

Other than that fact, a very good story. You have good flow, plot, and langauge. I'll have to check those websites out, and look for more of your work.
The Narrator chapter 1 . 7/19/2005
Ki-yaah, YunCyn-san, I'm impressed by the work that went into this! researching that lovely poetry... did you read the poetry first and think of the story or vice-versa? Either way, i enjoyed it thoroughly and hope to read more excellent SDK fanfiction from you.


The Narrator
Rabid Lola chapter 1 . 7/15/2005
I've only read one volume of SDK... _

Hee, the diversity of your fics amuses me. :D I like this one, though. Kyo/Yuya is fun. :D

go YunCyn! :D
Bounty Hunters Sanzo and Gokuu chapter 1 . 7/13/2005
This is wonderful! Though, I kind of wished that the fireworks were in this.

How good is the song?

Live every day to the fullest. And, you'll be rewarded... with what your heart desires the most...

if your mind desires sake and your heart desires a certain person do you think that you'll get?
Rin Amaru chapter 1 . 7/13/2005
Aww... I love this! So sweet... I love your writing style. I will be looking foward to more stories from you.

Satri chapter 1 . 7/13/2005
That was really... stunning. You went from comedy to something not quite fluffy, but sort of... I don't know, sweet. For lack of a better word, that is.

And, I must say that I was impressed by the Chinese poetry, and the fact that you made the festival setting seem so REAL.