Reviews for How Dumb Were You?
sevispamprinyoualways chapter 8 . 3/11/2013
Very humorous!
MuggleCreator chapter 10 . 12/21/2012
Lovely stuff. A bit sharp at times, but still good.
Galgalatz chapter 10 . 10/28/2012
Very very very nice. I'm curious, how hard is it to write one of those poems?
crazycakes91 chapter 2 . 4/26/2012
I particularly like this one, because it essentially voices all my thoughts about how quick to judge Harry was in the whole series, especially about Snape.

Good poem.
Divvie chapter 1 . 4/22/2012
Ok, I admit it, I probably would have never looked into this set of poems if you hadn't mentioned it in your note (I am not a big fan of poetry).

But I really like your take on the various characters. And I have to applaud your poetic talent to make it so accessible in both flow and content.

I like nos. 2, 3, 7 and 9 best.

Why I would love the Snape one is rather obvious; but your little piece on Tom Riddle made me wonder how he could ever miss Harry being a horcrux. I mean Tom was the resident expert on horcruxes in the Wiz World, and he knew ALL the circumstances. Your poem points to that oversight, really.

And the one on Hermione really highlighted her faults. Mind you, I have never been much of a Hermione fan; I usually see her as a plot device (the brains behind the operation for most part, to explain the connections to the dumb reader). But the points about her double standards in HBP are spot on.

Really nice work.

So, I guess that means I have to catch up on your other stories, too, now ;)
Swallow B chapter 10 . 5/9/2010
That's right, tell 'em. I enjoyed this. My favourites were the first two, Dumbledore and Harry and "half-hearted" was well found for Snape.
PropertyoftheHBP chapter 1 . 12/2/2009
These poems were nothing short of briliant! My particular favourites were "hokey", "half-hearted" and "repetitive". You really have portrayed all these characters very accurately, and also in a critical light, which, I must say, is refreshing. They all have their faults, and it's nice to admit that.
Night Train FM chapter 10 . 9/2/2008
'Serial dumper'...well, it's nicer than some of the stuff the Harmoanians throw at her (though that's not saying much), but not more more accurate.

Michael Corner: met at the Yule Ball during her third year and got together near the end of it.

Dean: got together near the end of her FOURTH year.

Harry: got together near the end of her FIFTh year.

That comes to a grand total of three semi-serious boyfriends over three years. I fully admit the Ginny-haters have made me sensitive to this sort of thing, but it rankles all the same.

If you'll excuse switching continuities, a line from Doctor Who about Donna Noble's teen years springs to mind: 'Some of the boys she used to come home with...a different one each week, sometimes!' (The actual line is said by her grandfather, who's just teasing her a little in front of the Doctor). If Ginny, in your opinion, is a 'serial dumper', what on Earth was Donna?
shyfoxling chapter 2 . 3/17/2008
*applauds* Very good! I liked Harry's, Hermione's, and Severus's the best.
Larry1710 chapter 1 . 11/13/2007

Liked the last stanza...very paradoxical. I'm also a fan of Snape, he was so underused and easily the most interesting character. Shame.
Gingham and Basil chapter 1 . 11/9/2007
That was really good! Some rad poetry!

:) Smiles.


thomas hobbs chapter 5 . 10/6/2007
Thats another thing about the DH, they never address the fact that those two nearly killed a kid and were indirectly responsible for death eaters getting into the school.

Or hermoine disfiguring that girl in book 5
cckeimig chapter 10 . 7/13/2007
Some of these were spot on, especially the ones to Voldie and Hermione.
poofypotionsmaster chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
Such doggerel is merely tripe;

we know that the potions master

can do nothing but gripe

over the fact that Dumbledore

loves Harry better, as does Molly

who knitted him a Weasley sweater.

And what is more, I think you will agree

is that Severus's appearance is most unsavory

In addition to that, he is mean and whiny

so don't ever think he will ship with Hermione.

Your hopes are founded on your attraction

to a man who joined an evil faction

which childhood bullying cannot explain away.

And worst of all, Sev will never save the day

for it is up to Harry to kill Tom Riddle

and all that spying will be so much piddle.
Kirinin chapter 8 . 1/9/2007
...disloyal to even yourself in the end. How horrible, the worse because it's true.

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