Reviews for Crestfallen
SortingHat chapter 1 . 7/16/2017
God one thinG I hate about JK Rowling is she overlooks so many things in Canon. That is the reason why we have so many fanfics like this. Women writers tend to go along with emotions more then logic. Sadly. Once in a while there are exceptions but JK Rowling and Twilight prove the majority don't. JK Tolkien and CS Lewis are both men and able to think methodical and thus came up with a very convincing world with only a few loop holes if you really pick it apart and are a picky reader.

WHY WHY don't the muggles in JK Rowling's world have burglar alarms? You'd think the Dursley's as rich as they are would also secure their home with a home security package. They could afford the motion detectors/voice activation systems perhaps even keyless entry. Some big offices in the 90s used RFID chips and retina scans the beginnings of the police state.
JadeAshes chapter 1 . 12/16/2007
Whoa...Draco's on a little thing called: HARRY-HIGH!


Eternal Rhapsody chapter 1 . 5/11/2006
Is there anymore? Please say there's more, this story is awesome!
Vixen's Blood chapter 1 . 8/10/2005
I really love the fact that this is well thought out. The build up makes you wonder what Malfoy is planning to do and the passion is greatly presented. I really hope you update! Great story so far
xSlashable chapter 1 . 7/30/2005
Great story! Update soon!
aphinitea chapter 1 . 7/24/2005
good good, i like hpdm as well!...well, love is more like it, but hey! and great story!
fifespice chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
ooh good but please update and why was lupin sleeping in the couch?
Inkstained Scarlet chapter 1 . 7/22/2005
Thanks - that was great! Better than most because these things can often feel rushed, but that didn't. Please say you'll write more!
oliver1234 chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
o its good. write the next one soon
Black Padfoot chapter 1 . 7/21/2005
great story! are you adding another chap? if so then plz update soon
