Reviews for Past Defenses
tailar chapter 1 . 2/6/2015
That was wonderful! You kept them both very believable, while still letting your impressions show through. Your writing style is engaging, well-developed, and mature. Keep it up!
SlimReaper chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
I really, really love this fic. You've portrayed both Kakashi and Iruka beautifully, and they are very, very IC. Your descriptive writing is very vivid and moving. Excellent work!
RandomTopic chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
Cool. This is one of the better IruKaka fics I've read. I like the portrayals of the characters, but I wished you used some specific examples when describing the ninjas Iruka has gotten to know in the past. To add a personal history to Iruka and the other ninjas. This was still great though.
BakayaroManiac chapter 1 . 8/12/2006
Really cool piece XD Short but catching. I especially liked Iruka being on top(meant in more than one way _~)there is just not enough of that


Rabidfarfgirl chapter 1 . 1/6/2006
Heh. I so enjoy reading your reviews. You kept someone up all night! *snicker* Oh Ruler of Accidental Evil...Lol! And sorry with S7...I need my password. You know what my username was right? I need it. *sigh*
Turin chapter 1 . 8/8/2005
It's mid-morning.. just scanning some fics to make m'self sleepy. But your fic jolted me awake. It's one of those fics that shout out "great! great!" and leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling. Just a short story with a lot of consequences implied for the future. I'll not sleep tonight!
KimonoQueen chapter 1 . 8/8/2005
Very frank. And that's good.
Smoking Panda chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
Aww...that was really good...I lurve KakaIru! -
Komikitty chapter 1 . 8/6/2005
Wow...that was...really cool. I'd like to see the part where Kakashi seduces Iruka but this was really neat! Keep up the good work! _
RukaIayLomperGay chapter 1 . 8/3/2005
awesome...i dont see many if any fics written in this was refreshing and well writen.

dk-joy chapter 1 . 8/3/2005
That was an interesting story and I hope you write more...maybe make this a series? KakaIru and IruKaka are my favorite pairings (as long as they're together, it'll be all right!) So write more that's as good as this, please!
WinterOfOurDiscontent chapter 1 . 8/3/2005
A take on the Kakashi/Iruka relationship I hadn't seen before. Very interesting and well-written!
ruka-kun chapter 1 . 8/3/2005
seems very promising! Please update soon!
Da Farf chapter 1 . 8/2/2005
Ok, there was a bit of a review mixup with the first chapter of "Stone Wishes" and this one, do to my stupidity. But! That just means I get to review this one now and say more!

I do love rereading this a lot. Probably the other story as well. But this one I have reread a couple of times. Love it. It just, holds a lot in it. And I'm down with the fact that so many in America ignore the potential in Iruka. I'm nearly his age and how some of the girls (and guys) are making him think is so childish. When you get to a certain age, things change. You make sacrifices for the better of others, such as not taking a promotion. Or you don't and loose those others. As a teen I never thought much would change...I was an idiot.

Another thing I love is how you play on the fact that Kakashi wouldn't be good as a spy cause he's too straight forward and all. He doesn't say things straight out, but if you watch long enough, it's all very obvious. And the fact that he’s clingy when he snaps cause he had no one before. I can relate to that. _

Again *more hugs* and thank you for writing all these. They make the day so much better.