Reviews for Absolution
Red chapter 10 . 9/25/2018
Amazingly well written. I loved every word
RotfDab chapter 10 . 10/27/2015
LoveIsNotAChoice chapter 10 . 5/15/2015
This story is perrrrfect!
Raywolf Shibelt chapter 10 . 8/13/2014
That was so sweet! Thanks for sharing!
TheLastRomantic chapter 10 . 8/8/2013
"I think you're pretty stupid for wanting me," he said without heat. "But I'm fond of your stupidity."
I love this absolutely Hiei.
Gothic Lust chapter 10 . 12/5/2012
OMG THIS WAS SO CUTE! I just kept wanting to cry throughout this entire thing, from sadness and joy!
AmaterasuOkami chapter 10 . 7/30/2012
Lol, forgot to sign in for my lost post! Sorry!

My post was;

OH MY FREAKING FUZZY PUPPIES! This was so freakin cute! It was just ;lakdsjnflkahlvnlknfldnbv;zn ! It was so accurate! I could practically hear their voices in my head! (probably helps that i recently re-watched the anime!) BUT FUZZY PUPPIES! It was too cute, especially with Hiei and Yukina's matching answers! 3 You're diffidently on my fav list!
Guest chapter 10 . 7/30/2012
OH MY FREAKING FUZZY PUPPIES! This was so freakin cute! It was just ;lakdsjnflkahlvnlknfldnbv;zn ! It was so accurate! I could practically hear their voices in my head! (probably helps that i recently re-watched the anime!) BUT FUZZY PUPPIES! It was too cute, especially with Hiei and Yukina's matching answers! 3 You're diffidently on my fav list!
Guest chapter 10 . 7/19/2012
I can only say, I LOVE this story. Your depiction of the characters were so spot on, which shocks me considering it's your first fanfic of yu yu hakusho. But anyways, I loved the pacing, the dialogue, and the tender ending. In fact, I'm sure this whole story could've even been canon had the author's original plan went underway. Anyways, Great Story!
violetshow chapter 10 . 7/16/2012
Aww... So cute! Im so happy everything worked out for them!
Marikalay chapter 10 . 9/7/2011
I love this story, it's so sweet and simple. I think that the things I like most about it are that Yukina was the one to bring the whole thing about - because I love Yukina and I think she's a lot more observant than the others give her credit for - and because it isn't at all like so many of the other stories - not that I don't like those too - where something disasterous has to happen to the two of them for Hiei and Kurama to get together. Thank you for sharing this story with us.
Curious chapter 8 . 3/31/2011
If Koorime cry jewels, does Hiei as well?

I've so rarely thought of Hiei CRYING that this is perhaps the second time I've thought of it.
Bounce chapter 4 . 3/31/2011
Great way to end the chapter... collecting her tears. It's wonderful.
DarkDragonDreamer chapter 10 . 12/21/2010
I am rather new to and just came across your story today.

I had to read it all!

I loved it!

I am going to see what others stories you have posted and read them now too!

Thank you for posting this story!
shmeepeh chapter 10 . 10/16/2010
Very cute little story. Great job as always!
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