Reviews for Marcus' Matchmaking
Late Night After Hours chapter 10 . 2/6/2010
that story was pretty funny the ending was ok eliwood and lyn are better together but still great story!
LAWLFENGAGEN chapter 1 . 6/7/2008


I don't don't wither this fic is just that hilarious or I'm seriously just that hyper but I cannot stop laughing! (and type correctly)

yourknightinshiningarmor chapter 10 . 9/24/2006
dangerously funny!


(only if you're a girl)
hosanna chapter 7 . 7/13/2006
um hey,i red ur stories and i really enjoyed it,i really love fire emblem and i like how u make the charaters how they r except for marcus and hector u want to no my opinion for eliwood itd like,lyn cause she just fulls up eliwood's half u no wat i mean, like lyn is rough and eliwoods neat sumthing like that and ninian could find someone in her world,well,i hope u write more chapters soon! sry i can talk alot!

ps i love ur stories cause it helps me write
Armads the Doom Bringer chapter 10 . 4/11/2006
great idea, and make a sequal! Your writing is awsome!
RangerIke chapter 10 . 3/31/2006 really spend a lot of time on these things. It was very good and a sequel as crazy as the first would be awesome! Laughed all the way \. GOod Job.
Nightfalcon Darkwill chapter 10 . 3/30/2006
*Wipes away a tear* It's over... And Eliwood and Ninian are... *Tears some more* Well, where's part two?
IceBlade28 chapter 10 . 3/29/2006
Hm. Not too bad. Plagarist. You stole Setsuna from chapter 9 from Negima!
asarin chapter 10 . 3/29/2006
do the follow-up! It'll be hi-lar-i-ous!
Lilikoifish chapter 10 . 3/28/2006
no...i can't believe it was Ninian/Eliwood! *dies*

oh well! very funny to the end! i liked it, despite the pairings thingy. great job. i would have recommended more description, but this fic is over...i'm so sad to see it go...*sniff*

great job. in the matter of a seqeul, i don't know. i can't really see another sequel coming. _

talk to you later!

Princessdaisyroxs chapter 10 . 3/28/2006
Er wow. That was short...

Looks like you had a tough time deciding huh? Yeah there are always these fights over stuff like that. At least it was Ninian! Yay...
An Empty Account chapter 10 . 3/28/2006
So funny! I love the whole Marcus thing. I'm adding this story...
suki-megane chapter 10 . 3/28/2006
Omigosh this is such a funny story! You did a good job in keeping each chapter funny in its own way. Great job! Haha... a cloud looking like Lord Pent...
Sorehai chapter 10 . 3/28/2006
Ninian... I knew it... No offense to you or anything. It was very funny but... Y'know. Anyway, I think this ended the fic nicely. I love remembering the fact that Marcus was the cause of this all. Thank goodness. Bravo to you, you deserve all those reviews!
fireemblemPRO chapter 10 . 3/28/2006
it wasn' that funny and the ending wasn' to good either. not to mention the fact i hate ninian and was hoping for a lyn/eliwood ending but overall the story was funny and good.
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