Reviews for Trapped
Cesium Spring chapter 2 . 4/18
Hermione was great in the first chapter ! Draco was really OOC but there was no story without that I suppose. I'm sad that this sequel end like this because it was really fun to read it.
Moon Stone Tiger Lily chapter 2 . 3/29/2017
bad, hermione. jumping to conclusions like that...
Moon Stone Tiger Lily chapter 1 . 3/29/2017
poor draco xD
Guest chapter 2 . 1/2/2016
I want more chapters please
Guest chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
caspasta chapter 2 . 9/18/2014
A Walk to Remember ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 8/19/2014
I'm glad you didn't let hermione give in to Draco
Glitch Colpevole chapter 2 . 3/12/2014
please please please in the name of merlin please update or make a sequel to this. Its too amazing to be left like this so please please please update!
Artimis227 chapter 2 . 10/6/2013
movie is A Walk to Remember lines "Don't fall in love with me" and "I do think we will have to worry about that" it is a great movie and i new it the moment i read it.
SandBlood14433 chapter 2 . 9/24/2013
Plz Update
EndlessLoveEternally chapter 2 . 9/7/2013
Will you be writing a sequel to Cornered? Hope you do! I love this fanfic. 3
MySoulIsTerraIncognita chapter 2 . 8/5/2013
Hi. I know that you haven't postd anything foe years, but I just wanted to say I liked the story! Also, if it means anything, the movie was A Walk to Remember, right?
MangoAnime64 chapter 2 . 12/8/2012
No! I demand an update! I will not tell you the movie or the line until there is a bloody update! /3
Freak-With-Issues chapter 2 . 5/25/2012
Poor Hermione, such little experience made her think he was going to say something mean. And then there's Draco, left sitting in the tower by his lonesome self. I hope these two can get pasts their hesitance and mistrust and get together. I really have fallen in love with this adorable story and hope you continue it!
Freak-With-Issues chapter 1 . 5/25/2012
YES! Sequel! Hermione really isn't going to give poor lusting Draco a chance and Draco isn't going to give up. A nice pair if you ask me.
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