Reviews for The Angel
NextNothingNew chapter 1 . 5/4/2009
There should be more T/A fic in the world. Or at least the internet should have more. Regardless, the few I find are usually enough to content me - if it wasn't obvious enough that I like your stories. Fav'd and Alerted, just in case.
deux-michelle chapter 5 . 10/27/2008
ah, now i have to wait and see. XD it's so hard to find decent orion fics, i swear.
PsychoKitty13 chapter 5 . 5/30/2006
WAH! It's so Sad!..Amou leaving and Tomonori is really sick...*Bursts into tears and runs away leaving a sign*

*Sign reads* UPDATE!
PsychoKitty13 chapter 3 . 5/30/2006
KAWAII! and Angsty!...aww Tsu-cahn is comforting Tomonori-san! Cuteness!...I'm getting worried for Tomonori-san's emotional and physical'd think Mana would notice he's not happy and etc...meh...
PsychoKitty13 chapter 1 . 5/30/2006
Aww...Tomonori-san drew on the tests...little Kawaii Angel wings!...I'm surprised my math teacher hasn't murdered me for all the drawings I do on math tests and homework...he says he likes them because he can't draw...*shrugs* meh...I'm finally getting around to reading your fic...And now I know why I've only heard great things about it...I read the two Jin fics and they were hilarious! They made my day so thanks for telling me about them...Onward to the next chapter

Tempest Wind Hollow chapter 5 . 2/19/2006
ahh ~ finally the latest installment 3

Ranae des Roses chapter 5 . 12/6/2005
WARG HE'S GOT THE VIRUS! NO! Tsukasa must come home and save him! This story makes me happy you must continue!
Ranae des Roses chapter 2 . 12/6/2005
OMG you translated anime titles into Latin? You're as bad as I am-I translate songs into Latin as a hobby! So what's that make Juvenile Orion? Iuvenis Orion? XD Man, your descriptions make me so happy...
Ranae des Roses chapter 1 . 12/6/2005
Hey! Good start, but before I go on I need to mention a pet peeve of mine-don't put comments in the middle of the story! That line about Amou being the sun of his universe is cheezy OUT OF CONTEXT but was lovely and poetic in the flow of the story because your writing makes it work. But as soon as you put the comment in it becomes cheezy and the mood is destroyed. If you absolutely must mention it, put a star by the sentence and put a comment at the end. One more thing-your descriptions are wonderful, I love your imagery!
Playfully Pondering Puppies chapter 5 . 12/6/2005
Umm... Nakaura has that virus, right? Or... have I totally missed it? Haha, ah well. I can't believe I didn't get an author alert that you updated... I was sure you were on my list. Ah well, I put you back there all the same. Brilliant work, yet again. Makes you wanna just... strangle them for that stupid misunderstanding. *strangles both of them* And-EEP! I'm just... waiting... WAITING, hoping, praying, for Tsukasa to come BACK! (It takes a fair good story to make me ramble with no purpose like this. Or vocabulary... And your fic-brilliant!) I shall wait, clinging to the hope that you don't want your readers to suffer, wallowing in anguish, despair, miserty, etc waiting for your next chapter. Which is to say, degrading as it is to myself and my reviewing status: "Update soon!"
neurofeces chapter 5 . 11/29/2005
AH! YAY! *attacks the author/authoress* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANKYOU!


...okay...enough with me attacking you now...

Great, am I the only one who's got myself troubles with updating? I swear this is a conspiracy...grr...must get ungrounded _

Wonderful chapter. I am stealing it foreverandeverandeverandEVER!

*breathes again* Must calm self...der... _

Omlettes are uberness in a pan. And I'm talking like a geek (wonderful). I like to make mine with chili powder, habanero sauce, and turmeric...*smirk* Two years of high school huh? So you're a year younger than me? Good. Note to you, it gets worse. Ugh fifteen page long short story for english in two days using fresh characters and it STILL has plotholes! See why I need a week of editing at least?

One final glomp before I go back to being grounded and do my math (no!) *tackles*

WIZ-DOM virus? Gee that sucks (go figure it's only HIS faction). Take your shots Tomonori-san, or I will be forced to have Tsukasa do mouth-to-mouth. *cackles*

I'll come back when I can! See ya! *salutes* and I will aid you in smiting the unholy homework of doom with my spork of justice, and Kuro's noddle if you need it. _ Cheers.

Aisu Dragoness chapter 5 . 11/25/2005
oh my goodness! Is Tomonori sick? NO! Don't let him die, please! Tsukasa and tomonori MUST get back together, they're so cute! hurry and update onegaishimasu!
XO'MagickMoon'OX chapter 5 . 11/23/2005
Oh no! Tonomori has that Wiz-dom virus, doesn't he? Ah, no! TT_TT ... Don't die, Tonomori! I was surprised that you jumped so many years there, without warning. You go from the night that Tsukasa left to what I assume is a few years later, after the group is out of school, from the sounds of it. Right? Well, that would make Tonomori ... like, 28, or something, right? Ooh he's so old, now! Haha, I'm just kidding ... when will Tsukasa come back? He IS coming back, right? RIGHT? T_T I must knoow! UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!
Playfully Pondering Puppies chapter 4 . 11/18/2005
*Bounces* Three more to go! *Encouraging cheer* Wow... if this ends with Tsukasa coming back to an old Nakaura, I'll cry. Truly I will. Your imagery in writing (I know... I'm still dwelling) Is astounding! And I copied down and memorized that poem, it was too beautiful to not! You're going on my author alert and favorite stories list-so please, I beg of you-update!
Playfully Pondering Puppies chapter 3 . 11/17/2005
Hmm... for you comment about the character changes throughout the series... I really think that her drawing skills were still improving... I remember thinking on the first one that some of the characters would look as if they were drawn in completely different styles in the same panel... or that some would look as if they were drawn by an inexperienced artist at times. As the volumes progressed, it improved...

Ah yes... and this story-wow. Originally I was just going to check out the poem and then sign off... but the poem was so beautiful, and I thought that someone with such a taste must also have a talent for writing. And... I was right. Your words are beautiful and poetic, especially your description of Tsukasa in the dream... it was stunning. I'm going to cut this review a bit short, as I desperately want to read the next chapter.
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