Reviews for Reparo
Just A Reviewer chapter 1 . 7/9/2018
"You tell him either he comes or his heir remains at a ninth grade education level for the rest of his life."
Brilliant! I'm excited to see how Mr. Wonka reacts to Charlie's teacher. :)
The Silly Storyteller chapter 6 . 3/25/2018
Your version of Willy Wonka wins the prize for Fictional Character With the Best Sense of Humour.

In other words,


Why not Portuguese indeed? People ask ''Why'', but I always like to say, ''Why not?'' Seems that it's the same with you. Excellent!
Mira chapter 4 . 4/25/2016
Sometimes I wonder if Wonka actually realizes what he's saying and just pretends to be oblivious for the sake of others.
Great chapter!
Alibi Nonsense chapter 6 . 2/27/2015
I love it. I just love the idea of Willy Wonka in a school classroom, and his cooking stampede (or whatever the 'gelatine incident' was), and the way you described Charlie's punishment... It was all awesome. It cracked me up. XD
Guest chapter 6 . 9/16/2014
Yay! This was sooo funny and cute!
sjade15 chapter 6 . 8/1/2014
I love this story! It reads like the book and I laughed so hard I cried! I really needed this, so thank you sweet heart for writing something so wonderful.
Celeste K. Raven chapter 6 . 3/16/2014
Pfft. Wonka's 'hardest lesson' for Charlie WOULD be to never underestimate him. Don't you love how he's so conceited and yet so wonderful it's hard to fault him? I thoroughly enjoyed this story, although the part where Wonka tries to teach Charlie about finances (DUN DUN DUH DUN!) was a little scary. I had to hide under my covers for that part. :)

Write On!
pen237 chapter 6 . 9/26/2013
What a fun story! Thanks!
pen237 chapter 4 . 9/26/2013
This chapter was a bit reminiscent of how Charlie would run back and talk to his whole family! Nice!
Katieghost chapter 6 . 12/19/2012
Since the first time I read that title, I kept thinking of the spell they used in Harry Potter.. You know, the one that fixes things? :D
This was amazing, really. When he began acting differently, I was like, "Don't let Wily Wonka die! D8" but then he told Charlie to have faith in him, and I knew, I just -knew- that he hadn't changed, at least not a lot, and that he was -fine- 8D
Fantastic, really. Incredible story! :)
Estelle chapter 6 . 7/27/2012
This is so awesome.
Jane chapter 6 . 5/23/2012
Nicely done- I really enjoyed this, truthfully just what I needed today to remind myself that things aren't always what they seem; sometimes you merely need to look for the third option. Thank you for sharing.
Seul chapter 6 . 6/30/2010
What a lovely story- I truly enjoyed this, thanks so much for sharing
zara2148 chapter 6 . 2/23/2010
"To never ever underestimate Willy Wonka" Yah, that's a lesson everybody needs to learn.
WingsandRings chapter 3 . 4/19/2009
This is a weird, nitpicky, missing-the-big-picture thing to point out in such a surreal story but...

Psychologists can't prescribe medication.

(Again, realize that's missing the whole point, there's lots of things in this story that don't really follow our reality terribly close, and that's the fun of it, but I can't help it, I have to point out that psychologists can't prescribe medications.)
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