Reviews for Not Alone in the Night
DXRULES103 chapter 1 . 11/24/2007
I really like this one. You've made me love the relationship even more. I enjoy all your stories.
Saerwen chapter 1 . 9/15/2005
Aw *sobs and huggles plushies*. It's been awhile since I saw any really good friendship fics *sniff*
Iolana Khenemet chapter 1 . 8/17/2005
:) read it, loved it :) It's amazing what kind of situations you put them in.

"Alec was not that good, he was good enough to keep up with James, but he knew that he still came short."

I was immediately reminded of the " I was always better" line from the film when I read that sentence.

And when I read " The first time they had met James hadn’t thought that he would be good enough. In fact, he had protested loudly and had chafed for quite some time before he accepted Alec". There are not enough fics out there mentioing or telling their first mission/ encounter.

As always, looking forward to your next fic :)
Silveni chapter 1 . 8/12/2005
Poor Alec and James. Secret agents with nightmares. Interesting thought. Nice friendship. *smile*

(Yes this review was completely uniformative but happy all the same)yay.
Earendil Eldar chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
So here is yet another film i shall have to sit down and watch some time, just because you got me interested. You have such a habit of digging deep beyond the immediate character to show something that most people would not catch.

You asked about the Friday night meteor shower. It is the Perseids, shooting stars (the best kind to wish on because the wishes really do come true, i know). They seem to "radiate" from the constellation Perseus. Like i said, i'm not sure if they are visible over in your part of the world or not, but if it is a clear night, go out from about 11:00 PM on. You will want to go picnic style with a blanket to stretch out on and just lay back and look upward toward the North-east. As with any star-gazing it might take about 15 minutes or so for your eyes to adjust to the dark. The Perseids are one of the strongest meteor showers of the year.

I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy the show. There are meteor showers at all times of the year, most are not as strong as the Perseids, but if you have a chance to just lay back in the early hours away from too much city light pollution, they are well worth it and true magic.
iamfaraway chapter 1 . 8/11/2005
Ooh... Very nice! _ Very descriptive, I love your writing style. Keep writing!

