Reviews for Demon Days
girlintime chapter 1 . 5/15/2012
This was so very very good. You totally called the muggleborn round-up! This was a joy to read and I'm really sad that you don't have more stuff up. Come back and write some more please.
Cadaverous Apples chapter 6 . 9/22/2008
This is an amazing portrait of Angelina and Montague's relationship. Honestly, you kept them so human that it's completely unreal, in a completely real way. :P Angelina's thoughts and fears are so true, and so accurate that this is just simply beautiful.

Really, and it couldn't have ended any other way. The romantic in me wanted them to end up together, but with the way you wrote it-accurately-it would have been impossible. Really, this is a fantastic short story. I love it.
the sublime mime chapter 6 . 5/12/2008
I think you properly described the isolation, and the unconscious panic that Angelina is feeling.

The confusion that Montague is feeling. I'd write more, but I don't want to dig too deeply, and ruin my perspective.
Janelle Richard chapter 6 . 9/1/2007
weird but interestingly cool tale,i sorta didnt understand why angelina was whoring every1 but it was cute.
Aravis'sSilverQuill chapter 4 . 8/9/2007
OK, I noticed something dring this chapter. Read what you wrote:

I wonder if the reason the Ministry’s denying that You Know Who is back is because they’re working with him. There’s no war coming, just a huge change in the way things are done. One of my Muggle-born friends told me about the Holocaust in Germany. It wasn’t a war at first, just a change in the laws and then people began to be shipped to the death camps.

If You Know Who takes over is that what he’ll do with the Muggle-borns?

Doesn't that happen anyway? I don't know if you've read DH yet, but you practically predicted it!
Aravis'sSilverQuill chapter 1 . 8/9/2007
I'm reading this over for the hundredth time. I'm sorry but you must have a thousand e-mails from me all from last night, but I can't help it! You're just so damn good at what you do! And here you've got Angelina's character spot on! Fantastic! Will always love it. Please write more!
ProtegoNox chapter 6 . 11/6/2006
I really like this story. It was pretty good, and kinda sad about how Nicco loves her but she can never love him. I just wonder what happens with Marcus and him. Or with Marcus and Alicia. Neways, just wanted to say I liked it!
vexivicious chapter 6 . 6/27/2006
Man I don't know what it is about your writing but it is really awesome, really hooky, this one is in different style (with the diary layout) but still as great!
the Pearl chapter 6 . 11/27/2005
This is a really good story! I, too, can't believe it hasn't gotten more reviews. The title of the fic reminds me of a song "Dynamite Days" (Disco Ensemble's song) so that's why I first got interested in this fic. And I'm glad I did.

The ending was just perfect. I like the way you've included just the most important things and nothing else and still you managed to keep up the readers interest. :) The other thing I like is the tense, written in present instead of imperfect.

I felt sorry for Montague in the end.

"I hate feeling that way because it makes him seem weak and he’s anything but. He’s stronger than I am."

That was one of my favourite parts, such a good realization... I can't find anything negative to say about this fic, it's just perfect. :)
Aravis'sSilverQuill chapter 6 . 10/22/2005
OMG...that was so...i don't even know what to say! I can't believe this hasn't got more reviews! People who read and don't review stories like this are ultimate bastards.

I loved it so much. The fact that she didn't get with Montaguie in the end...and the fact that her and fred will be together...and just everything.

I can't believe he loved her. OMG my heart aches for him. The story line was so good! I have to admit that near the end i was thinking "when are they going to get together already!" But you ended perfectly.

I always used to look at this story and say to myself "I'll read it next time." I'm so glad i did now!

The writing style was excellent, just eveything was brill. Bravo!
wayweird chapter 6 . 8/20/2005
i liked the way you ended. angelina could not be with montague because thats not teh way it worked. but its good that they got a final goodbye
wayweird chapter 5 . 8/19/2005
diffrent from what you normally write about but good all the same. pms
Ashliegh chapter 5 . 8/19/2005
I don't really agree with alot of the things Angelina is doing, I just don't see her as the type of person to walk around smoking and drinking just for the hell of it, and having sex that doesn't even mean anything to her. But that's just my personal view on Angelina, I've always thought that she'd have values. However, this story is so well written that I can't help but read it anyway. With most fics I would have pressed the 'back' button because she seems OOC to me, but your writing just has a sense of capturing the reader. And really, the plot is well. So, ignore my annoying ways, and please continue soon!
wayweird chapter 4 . 8/18/2005
Angelina and montague. i saw that coming and i don't know how i feel about it. i'm a huge fred/angelina shipper but adding montague to the mix just makes it ten times
Silver Scribes chapter 4 . 8/18/2005
Nicco, cute.

Silver Scribes -x-
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