Reviews for Deeper
xzxzxzx chapter 9 . 7/21/2017
I love Queen I think they're the best! Especially the song bohemian rhapsody, my favorite!
xzxzxzx chapter 9 . 7/21/2017
I loved it! I think you're really good at writing. :)
fNafA chapter 3 . 7/10/2014
Destroy,coming,and worlds together mean only one thing...HIDE YO WIVES,HIDE YO KID,DEM GLYPHS TALKIN' 'BOUT TRIGON!
PandaFire McMango chapter 9 . 5/1/2010
Oh man, another incredible story. This is probably the best BB/Rae I've read on this site. Bravo. You really captured their characters in a way that made all of this seem not only realistic, but infinitely preferable to the kind of wankery (pardon my language) that went on in the comics recently. Hopefully the real BB and Rae start being written as well as you write them. Now off to the next one!
Forlong chapter 8 . 3/10/2010
Thinking about it, Superboy's question is kind of dumb. Gee, what would a company that cloned a superhero want with superhero DNA. I can see he doesn't have Luthor's brains.
Forlong chapter 3 . 3/10/2010
Wait a second! DC is Detective Chip's nickname. Raven isn't allowed to use it. He put it under copyright! She's going to get sued by a talking monkey!
changelingdragoon37 chapter 9 . 10/19/2008
hey, i would just like to tell you that i think this series is, so far, probably my favorite BB/Rae story of all time (it flows so well it just seems like one story, not two). you have done a great job of portraying all of the titans, especially BB and Rae. i also see some comic book nerd in you through these stories. i would also like you to know that this is the first story i have reviewed (and i have read all the T fics of BB/Rae in the cartoons section). i greatly look forward to reading the rest of this series, oh, and i also think you do a great job with all of the references and allusions you make (the Native American stuff seems dead on) and i can feel a spiritual aspect in this series that is just so wonderful and refreshing. keep writing and i look forward to seeing more from you in the future

n9voc chapter 9 . 10/15/2008
Once again, and increadible story - increadibly told. Observing Raven refining her powers, and finally exercising the "human" half of meta-human is fantastic drama. Once again, great plots - the immediate one in this story, and also the running plotline through the series. The dialog is crisp, clean and believable. The action scenes are sharp and vivid - as I was reading, again, the lights came up and the stage of the theater of my mind was filled with the characters and background of the story. I so loved Cyborg's reaction "His jaw dropped and clanged loudly against the frame of the porthole.", I visualized the "overplayed" emotions seen in the anime-like scenes in the the animated series. Finally, the scenes between BB and Raven in the final chapter - wonderfully tender, real but NOT going over into the "Adult" realm - I LIKE that a lot, it preserves the character's integrity and honor!

I certainly hope the 5 star quality of the first two in this series holds up!

Recommend it!

'nuff said
Juleskat101 chapter 4 . 7/2/2008
connor is funny...for some reason most connor's are funny... the boy in my class is funny. His name? Connor. My cousin is always making me laugh. HIS name? None other than connor. lol
Juleskat101 chapter 1 . 7/2/2008
lol i always thoought b would like's just the style...rock/pop
Zorian chapter 9 . 4/25/2008
God, that was brilliant chapter all on its own. Amazing job and looking forward to reading the next fic in the series.
Zorian chapter 7 . 4/25/2008
Another amazing two chapters. Such emotion in just a few chapters. I truly am grateful for my friend to referring you. You're a skilled writer able to weave impeccable scenes and heart rendering moments. Great job.
Zorian chapter 5 . 4/25/2008
Poor Gar, always screwing things up when he wants something to be perfect. And now Raven has been hit with this barb.

Great transition.
Zorian chapter 3 . 4/25/2008
Very well descriptive intimate moment. You have a way with words.
Zorian chapter 1 . 4/24/2008
Well as you can see I've started your second fic of the series and I got to say it looks pretty good. Looking forward to it.
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