Reviews for Jess
Dimac99 chapter 11 . 7/28
I'm not sorry this ended where it did because MY GOD I do not miss being a teenager and you were giving me some awful flashbacks lol! I really, really hate teenage boys. Urgh. Luke's early attempts to talk to Jess about boys and sex were adorable and 25 years on I'm cringing remembering my dad attempting the same thing so I guess that's pretty universal. Will was a little sweetie, I'm sorry we didn't get more of him, but of course it wasn't his story.
Miguel51 chapter 11 . 3/4/2010
Just felt like reading this story again. Still as great as I remember. Jess is likable, if a little naive. Get a kick out of her best friend's name being Samantha Carter (Stargate fans unite!). Especially loved the fact that Rory is with Marty since he is the best choice for her. Logan was the boring poor little rich boy (as well as being a poor clone of Tristan), where Dean was kind of creepy near the end there, and since Jess is a girl (as well as her step-cousin) in this fic, then it's really a no brainer on who Rory would end up with.

Will is an interesting character, who gave us a little insight on how Luke was when he was younger. Or least in my head, any way.

I think a sequel should be in order, but it's totally up to you.

Whether a sequel is written or not, I wanna thank you for writing this story.


Katelai chapter 2 . 6/28/2009
A blonde girl named Samantha Carter? Are you by any chance an SG-1 fan? Haha perfect anyway! Reading on! _
Miguel51 chapter 2 . 6/9/2008
Samantha Carter, huh?

Isn't that the name of a character from Stargate SG1?
oodlesofmzness chapter 11 . 8/17/2007

I didnt even realize that was the seemed a little rushed...Can you please make a sequel...that would be great
magic skittles chapter 11 . 2/7/2007
are you making a sequal to this? I think you should. It is a really great storey line.
PandorasHollow chapter 11 . 1/23/2006
great chapter, wonderful ending. sad to see that it was the last chapter. I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories
Sarai chapter 11 . 1/22/2006
Nice story, although the ending seemes rushed.
cookiedough15 chapter 11 . 1/22/2006
Krys33 chapter 11 . 1/22/2006
I loved the ending! Just resolved enough to leave some open-ended-ness so that we can draw our own conclusions as to what happens next. It was great.

And I loved how you made the guys scared of Luke. He can be pretty menacing... _

I'll be waiting for more from you!

Peace out back atcha!

rat bastard chapter 11 . 1/22/2006
WTF? That ending sucked.
Lnkz chapter 11 . 1/22/2006
Hiya Kase!

Well im sad that this was the last chapter, but it turned out so awesome! It was a lot of fun helping you with this fic and I hope to help you a lot more in the future! Your fics are absolutely amazing! But I tell you that all the time! D

I can't wait to see what you have in-store for your next fic! Im sure whatever it is its going to be AB-FAB baby! hehe!

MereteDele chapter 11 . 1/21/2006
i loved it you need to write more i'm gonna miss this story:(
Charmedchic72 chapter 10 . 1/3/2006
totally cannot see lorelai as a grandmother, and although that wouldn't actually mean she is old, it still makes her seem old. can't see her knitting either. that could be a disaster! yay, lorelai is talking to jess...definately better than luke's talk. lol. that is way much better than luke talking to jess! although luke talking to jess was pretty entertaining. i love dessert. hope you update soon, and i am pretty much sorry it took me forever to read the last three chapters. but think of it this way...three reviews at once! lol!
Charmedchic72 chapter 9 . 1/3/2006
woods and fire, man, what a great smell. :) oh dang, he wants to see more of her...he is very foward...and on their i don't think we can really call it a date. OH CRAPPER...someone is home...and oh dang, that someone is luke. that has to suck. that is so funny...or something...when she was like i know what i am doing, then thought that she has no clue what she is doing! well...hmm...they neither one know what they are doing. lorelai should talk to jess. anywayz, nice chapter!
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