Reviews for Signed, The King of Thieves
DarkHeartsMilitary chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
Awe! That's so CUTE! &hearts
Lady Eris Discordia chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
This was so good!

Funny and yet sad at the end. Well done!

I thought it was very original.
Ceilo chapter 1 . 7/6/2009
this is so so funny, and yet so so sad at the end...:-( i love the rainbow ropes and the paintings of bakura tied to the pharaoh's bed! I also want to know about the kohl-pencil-fiasco...XD great job, really good work!
That Patriotic Chick chapter 1 . 6/7/2009
The first letters were SUPER FUNNY and the last one was really sad, you did a great job!
0animelover0 chapter 1 . 5/10/2009
OMG!that was the funnyest thing i have ever read!i cant belive you made bakura a sex-toy for the pharaoh!

and since i dont want any kittens killed i wont tell you to update a oneshot...

Rehema chapter 1 . 8/23/2008
Although I'm a vaseshipper, I HAVE to admit:

This was kind of... ok, you got me- IT WAS FREAKIN' FUNNY! Funny in a twisted kind of way... sort of... I give up. It was funny. Happy?

I love Bakura's sarcastic, snappy tone! It supplied a lot of the humor, along with his whole "I am threatening your life" thing!
Hantsuki chapter 1 . 12/29/2007
I didn't think it was possible, but I managed to laugh my ass off in the beginning and then break into tears at the end. Damn. You did this so well. The technique you used of having this in Bakura's point of view was simply genius. I can see that this is best left as a oneshot, but after I read the last line, I could just imagine Mana's reaction when she woke up to read his final letter.

If you don't mind, would you give me permission to draw like the final scene of Mana's reaction for this? I would be much obliged if you would allow it and I would definitely give you credit for the story as well as show you my final piece if you want. Thanks and good luck with future stories!
openwindow3 chapter 1 . 3/11/2007
Rockinmuffin chapter 1 . 6/29/2006
This story was so adorable! _ This is the first TKBxMana fanfic I've read and now you've got me hooked on the pairing. I actually found it clever how you only showed us Bakura's letters instead of his AND Mana's; that way you allowed us to figure out for ourselves what her letters said and allowed us to use our imaginations.

...The vague tellings of the Pharaoh's sexcapades were quite entertaining.

And I love how Bakura FINALLY admitted his feelings in the last letter, especially when it was so obvious he was flirting with her in those letters no matter how blattantly he denied it. Great job on this one-shot; I was hooked the whole time. I'd ask for you to update it, but one of the stray cats outside my window is glaring at me. xD
miikka-xx chapter 1 . 6/11/2006
The last letter was beautiful. I loved it. And the idea of the letters was awesome. You certainly are a unique writer and I love that. You could do a little sequel with Mana's side of the letters. And maybe you could write a letter to Bakura from Mana after he left her in the cave with the confession. That would be cute. Keep on writing!

-BP17 P
Sailor Ra chapter 1 . 6/6/2006
I think this was very nice. I like the sound of these two becoming a couple. Bakura was in character and Mana seemed to be too. This was very good.
Ahmar chapter 1 . 3/4/2006
That was messed up. Not in the way, either. That was disturbing. Mana's a creepy little Mary Sue fangirl and TK is some angsty pleasure slave with no free will.

Also, the use of modern expressions really killed the mood of this fic.
The Goddess of the Madhouse chapter 1 . 2/24/2006
Bellebelle3 chapter 1 . 2/12/2006
That was so cute! The last line was heart wrenching. ROCK ON!
Computerfreak101 chapter 1 . 12/27/2005
This was REALLY good. REALLY good. Poor Bakura, being tortured like that by Yami...cause I consider being his slave utmost torture, especially the way Bakura was used. *shudders* I also really liked the blackmailing of the priests and Mahado's priestess calender girls...*laughs* Priceless, wish I could see the reactions!

Very good one shot. Ever considered making a sequel, where Mana finds the last letter? No, I am NOT telling you to update, I am suggesting a SEQUEL.

*tortures Yami dolls* Very goo one shot.
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