Reviews for Tales of Sugar Rush Emblem
Sovereign Panda chapter 1 . 3/3/2006
hurry. up. and f%*$ing. update. please? I'll beg! and make puppy dog eyes! and death threats! see? :: makes puppy-dog-eyes while muttering death threats, several of which conscern some type of chees and/or goat:: please? and i got the yaoi manga at a flea market in cape breton. can't under stand it, but eh, who cares, it has a :: coughs:: scene. ja ne!
Sovereign Panda chapter 2 . 2/8/2006
:: drools:: m... Roy/Wolt goodness... :: blinks, then wripes the drool off her cheek:: oops... any way, can wait till the next chapter! now, if you'll excuse me... :: reads FE6 roy/wolt doujinshi::
Vocalsama chapter 2 . 12/11/2005
Hehe this story rocks I'm glad you wrote another chapter. Is it just me or do all the guys have headbands in Fire Emblem, that or capes, keep up the lovely fic! XD The rebuilding itself stereo haha that's great.
SfRdsw chapter 2 . 12/6/2005
YAY! another chapter update soon!
SfRdsw chapter 1 . 10/7/2005
great story! please write another chapter.
Vocalsama chapter 1 . 10/4/2005
haha I love this XD It rocks! Roy and Marth...damn never give him sugar ever again.
Icy Chinoumi chapter 1 . 10/2/2005! I can't breathe right now! Yes, it is that funny! Wow, i wounder why no one else is reviewing this but anyway, good job at the cross over!