Reviews for Just Can't Wait to be Lord!
freewolf17 chapter 1 . 12/4/2009
i listened to i just can't wait to be king while reading this it was awsome!
Liooness chapter 1 . 10/19/2008
lol, that was great and i love the lion king, so i had to read this! wonderful job
Cole Alvina chapter 1 . 6/22/2007
roflmao! That was so good! I can so see them singing this! You did a good job changing the words but still having them fit with the music, I thought it was very good. I am favoriting this story and you from a look at your other stories.
Prince Raiden Ruler of thunder chapter 1 . 6/9/2007
hahahaha thats a good one
Eddi chapter 1 . 5/24/2007
Amanda chapter 1 . 4/26/2007
Can't stop laughing. Way too funny

I once pictured Zuko sing I just can't wait to king. Only it was after he got the scar and Zhao commented on him not having enough hair.
TellMeLies12 chapter 1 . 6/23/2006
Eh, not as funny as some of your other song fics I read, but still,

It was funny. _
TokyoKitty16 chapter 1 . 5/19/2006
omg. . . *doubled-over with laughter*

i had another window open to watch YouTube videos (or at least listen to the music) when i found this. So i figured, oh yeah, I love that song! so i searched for the song name and here's what i found, called "Zuko Can't Wait to Be King", the only difference is Iroh is Zazu:

Zukoshen found perfect clips for the lyrics!
9witch2 chapter 1 . 4/12/2006
ah! i read the other lion king thing you wrote with zula and i decided to read this one! i like it better! good stuff; keep it up!
white wolf chapter 1 . 2/19/2006
LMAO that was so funny. Im still laughing.
Jordancatgirl7 chapter 1 . 1/29/2006
That was funny!
Aangs1fan chapter 1 . 1/28/2006
lunny4fireheat chapter 1 . 1/4/2006
Interesting. I've never read a fic quite like this before. I was always temtpted to read this fic, but I never got a chance to that... I'm happy that I finally decided to read it. Just the thought about Zhao geting steped on by a kimodo rhino is enough to bring tears to my eyes. This was "not taken seriously" but it should! I loved it! I think that this songfic is perfect! But Zazu is too nice to be represented by Zhao!

purpletwist chapter 1 . 12/26/2005
WOW I could never make some thing this funny... I like the lionking to(well use to untill I grew out of it) but this is funny
Titan09 chapter 1 . 12/24/2005
ROTFLMBO! :D This is great! Faves again! (I'm probably gonna end up putting you on my fave authors! )

This was awesome. Yay, Zhao getting trampled by rhinos! It's fun to make him cringe! ;)

This was so cute! I think you'll like these Avatar fan vids on airbender dot net (this site doesn't like links). A lot of them are Zuko-based, but one is done with Mulan's 'I'll make a man out of you', about Sokka rallying his troops of the little kids of the Southern Water Tribe, using clips from the first two eps. You really should see them; they're awesome!

Happy holidays! Again!

*~Titan~* ouo
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