Reviews for Half Soul
Guest chapter 8 . 7/5/2013
OMG I started reading this story and I really Liked the way it started. Oh I Bet Kikyo'd Be Peeved if she found out that they did IT and Kag's still has her powers! TAKE THAT YOU WALKING CORPSE! Please Update Soooooonnnnnn! XD
SuzyQ001 chapter 8 . 12/22/2011
Are you going to finish this? It uas been awhile since you updated.
Ruthe-La chapter 8 . 12/15/2009
*swoon* I LOVE it!

This is the second sweetest pairing ever! The cutest is Sessh Rin.
Ruthe-La chapter 6 . 12/15/2009
I love Sesshoumaru, but WHY oh WHY mus he be such a bitch (I'm a non-gender-discriminative insulter)? In character and out . ..

I love it, I love it, I love it a lot!
Ruthe-La chapter 1 . 12/15/2009
Kikyou must DIE!

coughcough. sorry about that .. .

Awesome chapter!
maire 53 chapter 8 . 12/14/2008
this is good is there going to be anymore chapters up?
IOnlyReadFanfic chapter 8 . 1/15/2008
you should like right more or a squeal b/c it roxs!
Koshivuh chapter 8 . 12/1/2007
I love this story a lot! I love all of your stories I've read so far actually! :)
gkinuwriter chapter 8 . 11/10/2007
aw that was so cute! loved it so much! update soon!
gkinuwriter chapter 4 . 11/9/2007
aw that was so cute! loved it so much!
gkinuwriter chapter 3 . 11/9/2007
aww kagome came back to her mother. that's sweet. i like this story so far.
Dragon Man 180 chapter 8 . 9/10/2007
Will Shippo appear soon? Because the group will probably leave the village and it would be a great time to meet and rescue him from an evil demon.
Dragon Man 180 chapter 7 . 9/10/2007
Hahahahahaha, Naruku's plan is ruined! Hahahahahaha! I love how Kagome just grabbed Inuyasha and kissed him.
The Four Tailed Fox chapter 8 . 9/9/2007
*_* Lovely
Say0mi Saki chapter 8 . 9/9/2007
Im so happy you updated! I even did a little happy dance when I got the alert! I LOVE this story and the suspense was killing me! I loved the way you wrote about how they made love, it was discrete and DEFINITELY tasteful! You wrote it so beautifully...but then again you write every chapter beautifully! Your are one of the few BEST writers I've seen (read from) left on and I LOVE everything you write! Your choice in words...your cliffies...this story! Please update soon!
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