Reviews for Innocence
Smolicious chapter 3 . 4/20
Ahh this is such an incredible story! I love how you’ve planned every little detail out to a T! The emotion that Wes feels and how you represent it, how you describe it, it’s... phenomenal! Honestly, I love how this is written and I’d love to read more if you ever feel up to writing the next chapters!
Reading Nut Cassirole chapter 3 . 7/29/2009
hey i love this story will u please finish it i am so interested in finding out how it will end up

update soon :)
driel chapter 1 . 6/19/2009
I know this is an old story, but its very good and I think its worth finishing. You made Wesley interesting, and I usually hate him.
welfycat chapter 3 . 6/22/2006
your story is awesome.

A little bit awkward in a few places, but overall excellent.

I can't wait for more.
Adam88 chapter 1 . 6/15/2006
Blue Eyed Dragon Girl chapter 3 . 6/5/2006
*cheers* yeah! Woot! New chapter! I was worried that you had abandoned the fic! Glad you didn't! Cool chap! I have to say, I think Wes really did need that smack to the head! Someone had to knock some sense into him. I can't believe they put a tracer in Wes though. First they don't take his confession seriously, then they treat him like he's unstable! Jerks! His little escape though will teach them a thing or two about his true nature! Great job so far! Update soon!
angw chapter 3 . 6/4/2006
Ah the plot thickens. What will the crew think of Wesley's disappearance? Obviously not too shocked if they put a tracer in him.

There are so many things happening and too many people with too many secrets. It's interesting that the Enterprise are still two steps behind. Will they be able to catch up quickly?

Keep on writing. I am looking forward to the next installment.
Lady Lestat chapter 2 . 3/29/2006
I WANT ANOTHER CHAPTER! I love the way you write about Wesley - it makes him seem so much more rounded and like a character with real depth. Your story is totally original and I think you have captured all the characters perfectly. I love it!
Blue Eyed Dragon Girl chapter 2 . 1/29/2006
Yeah! It's been awhile since the last chap and I was alittle worried you weren't going to continue! I'm SOO happy you did! This is getting so exciting! I LOVE this colder more serious side of Wesley! It's so different and so intriguing! I love it! The story is progressing really well! It's very well written and I can tell the situation is only going to get more and more tense.

Stupid federation people though! Why don't they ever take Wes seriously? Troi treats him like he's made of glass and could break at any moment, Picard and Riker treat him like a child, and his mom treats him like he's still 5! Worf and Data seem to be the only ones who gives him any credit for his abilities! Wes had to win over that respect but at least worf acknowledges his more adult needs, like for vengence. I have never understood why adults seem to think because the testiments are from a minor, that they are questionable. He's young but he's not stupid and he's almost an adult. He's only 2 years away (I'm assuming he's 16 in this fic cuz pulaski is around) from being a legal adult. But whatever! Their loss!

When they figure out wes has escaped they're going to regret ever not listening to him and it will probably be too late by then. Great chap and great story so far! LOVING it! I'm totally on the edge of my seat! Update soon!
angw chapter 2 . 1/29/2006
Woo hoo things are rolling looking forward to your next chapter :D
Fireflash1 chapter 1 . 1/18/2006
hey, just started reading this story and couldn't put it down; it's incredibly well written - you captured wesley most accurately. thank you for a damn good read and i hope the next installment's on its way!

Jen106 chapter 1 . 1/10/2006
good story, please continue asap!
angw chapter 1 . 1/7/2006
Wow this is a very indepth story. You have made the characters jump off the page...I like the watcher and that you haven't revealed the whole story to the rest of the Enterprise crew or even us...hope you will update soon :D
OkThIsIsWiErD chapter 1 . 12/27/2005
Love it, keep writing.
unicorndiva chapter 1 . 11/11/2005
This is an awsome story. I can hardly wait for the next chapter. Your story is so imaginitive. Please keep it coming.
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