Reviews for Your Daddy's Son
MadamScorpio chapter 1 . 5/8/2016
That was really sad...why didn't she get an abortion instead of torturing herself? Well done though
I Run With Sporks chapter 1 . 8/3/2013
This is beautifully written, and it breaks my heart.
I read this story while listening to the song for the first time, and I think you did the song justice perfectly. You have a real gift for writing.
nahia2008 chapter 1 . 4/16/2011
:( sad
lil-lady-isis chapter 1 . 4/9/2009
i like it
Invisible.Words chapter 1 . 12/31/2008
Wow. My heart hurts. Love the ong love this story. Written very well. Thank you.
queenlulu chapter 1 . 1/25/2008
just found this story, and let me tell you that this was the most depressing thing i have ever read.
o.0 chapter 1 . 1/22/2007
I adore this song, and seeing that you could twist it to fit to Inuyasha already made you a master author in my eyes. But seeing that you wrote it so brilliantly made it absolutely amazing. Kudos to you and your amazing work. :-D
Rainy Days Should Never Fade chapter 1 . 11/25/2006
The part that got to me the most was that Kagome killed her own child. Wow.

You sure went deep on this one. Scary, absolutely chilling, but extremely well written. I applaud your writing skills.
La Femme Absurde chapter 1 . 11/25/2005
OMG! You made me cry! This is amazing, so touching! You should dod a seuel! I comand it! Please?

Ukiyo chapter 1 . 10/31/2005
lovely and just touching! awesome job!
Hanako Horigome chapter 1 . 10/30/2005
Deep, sad...depressing. I think i'm gonna go eat some icecream now...It was great though!
why chapter 1 . 10/30/2005
wa wa wa wa so sad how could you kagome would never be that evil

but i love it
yoyo person chapter 1 . 10/30/2005 im are such a good writer...You almost made me cry!, wow,
Ayadin chapter 1 . 10/30/2005
I have tears in my eyes. That was so sad...but so good.
Reality chapter 1 . 10/30/2005
Kagome killed her child...yay ; Oh the bitterness of this fic! Oh the angst! This brought tears to my eyes. You know...Kagome should have told Inuyasha that she loved him and that she would stay with him...cuz did she not promise to stay by his side forever?

Anyhoo...I hope that this angsty sad one-shot inspires you to write a happier fic...;