Reviews for Through the Years
xanamarion3 chapter 1 . 3/18
Ranma not getting a Curse I so happy. I hate the curse.
maryjane5000 chapter 1 . 12/28/2014
Sorry I forgot one question

6) If Nodoka & Logan wanted another kid couldn't they ask Washu-chan to fix Nodoka's reproductive organs?
maryjane5000 chapter 15 . 12/28/2014
I really love this fic & while I am glad you have finally updated I hope they will be more frequant. Now then aside from a few spelling mistakes & word placement, I found a few things wrong with the story

1) Nick Fury is Bald he doesn't have white hair
2) Nodoka asks Scarlet if she beat them "Single handily or individually" but thats the same thing
3) Hamato was kicked out of the clan before Saki became Shredder but it sounds like he's still part of it
4) When Ranokami meets Rahne he states that she doesn't have a tail yet in this chapter not only do you change her name to Rayne but she now has a tail

& now I have got a couple of questions for you
1) Which version of Xmen are the Xmen characters based on?
2) Are you following the 1987 or 2003/25th anniversary version of Splinter & Shedder origins?
3) Why did Hank have to pull the bullets out of RanOkami when Wolverine is shot (Xmen movies) the bullets push themselves out?

4) Couldn't Washu-chan remove the adamantium from both Ranokami and Wolverine?

5) Are you going bring the Tendo's in this & if they are will they be humans or mutants?
Guest chapter 8 . 12/27/2014
Why not have Ryoga become a mutant that Magneto or even Mystique recruits for the Brotherhood
Sean Malloy-1 chapter 15 . 7/1/2014
Not bad for getting back into it.
Raynze76 chapter 15 . 7/1/2014
Am glad to see this story continue and with a humorous update too, keep up the great work
shugokage chapter 15 . 7/1/2014
Nice chapter!
shugokage chapter 14 . 11/10/2013
Definitely an interesting and unique story great job!
That Guy chapter 6 . 4/9/2013
One thing. Why? Ranma not getting a Curse means he isn't really Ranma in my eyes. Curing the curse sure, but never getting cursed is one of the thing that can easily break a good Ranma fic for me sooooo... other than that though you put together a great Ranma 1/2 fanfic. So thanks for creating a really good Ranma 1/2 fanfic.
Raynze76 chapter 14 . 7/18/2011
a great multi crossover story, only part i did not enjoy was when got to last current chapter,lol and i hope you continue this entertaining story as you have put alot of effort and research to make such a enjoyable sotry
Dragon Man 180 chapter 14 . 1/24/2011
How long until Mousse ends up being hit by every mutant power in the institute? Because he's bound to cause a lot of antics there.
Sean Malloy-1 chapter 14 . 1/23/2011
Love your work on this, I hope to read more of of your stuff soon.
Dumbledork chapter 14 . 1/21/2011
Cool, an update. Great job once again, but it's 'Mousse', not 'Moose.'
Sean Malloy-1 chapter 13 . 3/2/2010
Great job on the update, I hope you'll be able to post more soon. Also the Scottish and Irish word for "yes" is spelled "Aye"(you should try and fix those 3 mispellings; I forgot where they were).

I think I found a few mistakes:"Back in my home in Africa never were any able to see so far above the ground" should be "Back in my home in Africa we never were able to see so far above the ground".

What do you mean in the sentence "and your planet's final technology just to attempt it."?

"Indeed Krang it would." should be "Indeed Krang I would."

Add an extra "o" for "to" in "At this rate we should just go for something to big and deal with it.".

"That perhaps if there wasn't the pan" add an "i" after the "a" in "pan".

In "Rahne just sighed and figured she's" the "s" at the end should be a "d".

"Well ye saw that ye are a werecheetah" "saw" should be "say".

In "It is not uncommon where I am for teenagers to be married and being parents."; "for" should be changed to "from".

"Oh I knew it. All though lunch you looked like something was upsetting"; "though" should have an "r" after the "th"

"Cyan danced around a little in her new clothing getting a feel of how her borrowed moved with her"; put the word "clothes" after "borrowed".

"An actual assessment of his mental state would be like any Ranma asked the same question: he put his foot in his mouth."; should be "An actual assessment of his mental state would be like if any Ranma was asked the same question: he put his foot in his mouth."
Dragon Man 180 chapter 13 . 3/1/2010
Static electricity kisses... nice. I can't wait to see Cyan give Ranma another one of those! But I think the two girls should figure out they should protect Ranma from other girls who would want to steal him from them.
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