Reviews for Counting the Demons
FushionAC chapter 3 . 4/17/2011
what can i say i can't stop crying from 2nd chap when knowing that athrun really dead, I'm AsuCaga crazy Fan i don't agree with this idea!

but i appreciate your story making talent, it's great..

but still it broke my heart..TT
FIRE LADY OREN chapter 3 . 12/22/2009
This story was so sad it made me cry...u could almost feel their pain...specially Cagalli's:the way she wont refer to Athrun in the past!that's heartbreaking!snif...I understand her pain!i'll loose my head if i loose someone like Athrun!snif...and little Athrun just made my tears worse!snif...wonderfull story really!snif...
memeylupht chapter 3 . 8/30/2009
Critax bgus... Aku suka skali ! ()

bagian yg plng bgus itu yaah... Krna athrunx ga ada.. :'(

emang sedih banget, but that just lovely ya know.

Keep workin' .~
paperanmitsu chapter 3 . 3/20/2009
Ah...I know this story is old, but I'd just like you to know that it's amazing, really eerie, I almost started crying because I felt so bad for her, like even though she's a little crazy, it's so sad :(
pgsmrocks chapter 3 . 1/23/2008
Well written. It took me until Kira said, 'but Athrun's de..' to get what was really going on here and why Kira would want to take Athrun's clothes away. It's very bittersweet. ;-;

Very clever using the idea of a sperm bank to have Athrun live on in a way. I don't see that Cagalli has an inappropriate relationship with her son. I like how you jumped to when he is this age. But I would love to read about when Little Athrun was born and everyone's reaction to who he looked like.

How did Athrun die though? And was it protecting Cagalli when she was injured? I don't know if I totally get Cagalli's thing though - I can't call it insanity. So she is keeping Athrun in the present, but is she imagining him at the end of the first chapter?

I've been checking out your other stories and your drawings, I don't know how I didn't notice your stories before. Definitely a favorite author. You do write Athrun very well.
shiloah18 chapter 2 . 10/16/2007
erm.. Cags wouLdn't thinking of Loving her own son more then she shouLd.. ne? just asking.. incest.. *shrugs*

nyWeiZ, that was a sick thought.. gomen.. jaa ne! ;3
shiloah18 chapter 3 . 10/16/2007
one of her cLosest maids? Mana? hmm?

WaLtfeLd.. Mu..

what d'you mean by counting the demons? -_

Athrun's a ghost? just Like in your deviantart? he's not haunting her.. is he? haunting her mind I mean.. yeah.. Like what Kira said.. "..d*mn you, Athrun.." T~T

*tears up*

uhm.. doesn't Cags Live in the Athha Mansion herseLf? it is her mansion..

“WeLL, I guess being insane doesn’t reaLLy matter,” CagaLLi tiLts her head, watching Athrun steps cLoser to her, “as Long it makes you stay here.”

The truth is Athrun never came back to her.

aww.. so nice! ;'{

"Athrun can be a stray coward or a Lost survivor or a d*mn seLfish Lover, but he wiLL never be homeLesS. He wiLL aLways find his home in CagaLLi as Long as she keeps on Living her Life."

aww.. makes me wanna use a Line from one of your fix.. "home is where you are.. AsuCaga.." ToT

nyWeiZ, niceLy done! I know angst sucks up my energy.. stiLL.. this is nice! jaa ne! ;3
NatsuLucyNatsu chapter 3 . 2/5/2007
that is so sad ( but i still like it...
Justsome1 chapter 3 . 9/23/2006
you made me cried..and i literally mean it..

gosh.. i think i love athrun too much for my own good... i think i can understand cagalli's feelings for losing him.. going nearly insane and in self-denial, but yet strong enough to live on.

i really hope the Seed movie will get these 2 together. i hate to see them unhappy (thinking of athrun's facial expression when he walked away with meyrin at the end of GSD Final Plus)
Kagally chapter 3 . 7/30/2006
...I'm sorry to say this...but I don't really get it...well actually part of it...I do...I think it's just the sleep getting the best of me...but you think you can explain to me...sorry!
Silvatine chapter 3 . 7/6/2006
What a very deep and well thought out story! It was wonderful; your words fully captured Cagalli's love for Athrun very clearly. I loved it!
PaolaAdara chapter 3 . 5/11/2006
"He notices that his mother talks about this Athrun Zala person in [the] present tense as if the man is still alive, as if he does not sleep a lonely, eternal sleep there deep beneath the ground." - hm, how deep Cagalli's love is for this certain Justice pilot. you always seem to be able to include a line or two in all your stories that always make for a memorable quote. kudos to you.

i've finished this story way before, but it's only now that i get to post a review. this piece of literature you've written is lovely and makes anyone want a sequel or something, but it also makes anyone say "that's done and is better left alone." this story couldn't have been better developed. good job!
Lady Onuk chapter 3 . 4/2/2006
Quite an emotional piece here! It's so good it makes you want to see more, but at the same time gives you the feeling of total closure. Love it!
Garowyn chapter 3 . 1/29/2006
Interesting story.
Purple1 chapter 3 . 1/15/2006
aw i liked it :) I don't know why, but I've always loved insane Cagalli fics
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