Reviews for Hinata's Desire
Guest chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
im just here to say the story was wierd but thats not the reason why im typing its becaus im hear to tell everyone to join the fairy tail guild at clash royale im trying to get as much people to join if you do join say respectful sent you. Stop making hinata look perverted also naruto isnt like that hes dence as a brick.
Cheekypikachu14 chapter 1 . 6/10/2016
Oh my god it was so eye catching i just couldnt stop reading and cpuldnt have a second withput it keep on writing because this is really good stuff
Camelia Arianne chapter 1 . 5/22/2016
Pretty good start. just one thing- when they are rolling, it should have new paragraph. And sorry for mistakes, i'm on my mobile: )
NarHina chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
This was an amazing plot please finish you can't just leave us hanging, how can you write a one chapter story that ends like that at last finish it even if it is only two more chapters.

You are evil for writing a story and not finishing it.

Naruto and Hinata Forever:)
Guest chapter 1 . 1/5/2016
MORE plz
MidnightNightm3r3 chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
Chip-ster chapter 1 . 4/26/2014
you knw u should make it a bit long and add some drama
Namelover girl1 chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
Update please its intresting n maybe make hinata to make naruto her slave n make her tell naruto to call her misstress. Luv u
Cueil chapter 1 . 9/2/2013
haha... that was great
Guest chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
make another and finsh it nd make it longer
krissy chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
looks like naruto's the bitch in that realationship
Dude make more chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
I love a good hinata rape naruto story
2smrt4u chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
"She was going to rape Uzumaki Naruto."

This is when I stopped reading. Rape is not okay, in any situation, ever.

It is also illegal.

It is not okay to force someone to have sex with you. It is STILL not okay, even if the other person derives pleasure in it, because it is still RAPE and therefore it wasn't their CHOICE. Rape is about taking another person's choice away from them by force, in a very intimate and hurtful way. It is a really big problem that shouldn't be taken lightly.

It is (or, at least, it should not be) not okay to joke about rape.

Sometimes people do get raped in stories. This causes severe emotional trauma to the victim: their free will has been taken away from them. It is upsetting and damaging. People can heal after being raped, but I am willing to bet that they will always carry scars because of it. Rape should never be used to advance "romance." It is not romantic - it is the OPPOSITE of romantic.

So I skimmed to the bottom: Look, even if Naruto wakes up and is okay with sex, this is still not a good situation. Sex should be between two consenting adults, preferably two who are in a committed relationship (or married), but I'm not going to judge anyone who wants a one-night stand. If, during sex, the couple wants to practice bondage, that's okay. IF THEY BOTH CONSENT. Hinata is not giving Naruto a chance to say yes or no to this AND THAT IS NOT ALRIGHT. The fact that Naruto is "uneasy" about the seal sends up major red flags.

Naruto said stop. Regardless of his curiosity, NO MEANS NO. If someone says, "No, stop," then you need to stop. The characters can stop and talk about it, and maybe Hinata will persuade Naruto to try doing what she wants. At that point, it will be Naruto's choice; if he says, "Yes, let's get back to sex," then everything is fine and can proceed (although Hinata *really* shouldn't have started any of this without asking).


(It is also something that Hinata would never, ever, ever, ever consider. This is fanfiction and you get some wiggle room with characterization but rape is not out-of-character Hinata, it is a different character altogether, whose name happens to be Hinata.)

If you want Hinata to "attack" Naruto, have her unexpectedly kiss Naruto. (This is still an invasion of someone's personal space and rights, but it is less invasive than rape so if this is a story you really want to continue, this is a better way.) Naruto then has an opportunity to step back and talk to Hinata. He can say yes or no. If he says yes, they can continue, get carried away, and still have sex. Hinata can even confess that she wants to be in control or something, and they can use her seals. But it will all be above-board because NARUTO AND HINATA BOTH CONSENTED.

If this were a story in which Naruto had sex with Hinata without asking, I guarantee people would be angry. Rape is still rape, and rape is still WRONG, when it is a woman raping a man. RAPE IS NEVER OKAY.

I would really suggest a revision of this story, if you want to continue it. You seem to have a lot of fans, but I would STRONGLY suggest you rethink using rape as a plot device.

Also, breaking into someone's house is called breaking and entering and is also illegal. (I also feel that Naruto, being a ninja, would have some kind of ward on his house, or would at least wake up when someone entered his house.)

One more time, because this cannot be repeated often enough: RAPE IS NOT OKAY. If you are going to use it in a fanfiction, it should be in a way that is sensitive to the brutality and emotionally damaging nature of rape. RAPE IS NOT ROMANTIC.
Uzumaki Ricky chapter 1 . 5/11/2011
THIS ROCKS! NEXT CHAPTER! NEXT CHAPTER NOW! *Calms down* Ahem... Sorry. I just heard about this from someone else and couldn't resist tracking it down to read it. And I was hoping to try to convince you to write Chapter 2!
Danaofthefunk chapter 1 . 2/6/2010
reall god

whens the next onee?
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