Reviews for It's the Onions
BlatantBookworm chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
This is rather well done! I love Sanji's slow realisation of his crush, and his awkward flirting.
GreenCAT the second chapter 2 . 10/5/2012
lol snuggling!
GreenCAT the second chapter 1 . 10/5/2012
that was so cuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeee...
Solace in the Chaos chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
Aweeee, I died, in a good way. :D
Zolufangirl17 chapter 6 . 7/20/2012
AWW! I really liked your story! I laughed and squealed the whole time! But most importantly I enjoyed it very much! I am very glad I read this story
Zolufangirl17 chapter 1 . 7/3/2012
Oh wow! this was my first SanUso reading! and let me tell you...I LOVED IT! This story is really IC in my opinion. I like your writting style. this story keeps me intrest. Good job! Cant wait to keep reading
I feel blah chapter 1 . 5/15/2011
I have to say this is an interesting story. :) ...and the crate scene, while very odd, was also very sweet. I think you have a good writting style and I saw no spelling errors, your grammer seemed fine, and the chapter has a nice flow.
CharmingKarma chapter 6 . 1/21/2011
*glomps* This was amazing! The characters where pretty much in character the whole time :D *flails* This is so well written and has the perfect blend of humour and romance and drama! This was a blast to read, everybit of it was perfect, the ending exceptionally so! *showers with praise* Thanks so much for writing this! And if I had my way, everyday would be Halloween :3
Kichi Hisaki chapter 6 . 9/17/2009
E, that's so cute! Oh my God, yes, this is Shoujo Manga WORTHY! Ah, that was adorable, adorable, adorable, adorable!

Hehehe, I loved how Usopp blamed in on the onions. That was cute. Really cute.

So faving!
tFantasyFan chapter 6 . 8/10/2009

Such a cute SanUso story! They've been my favorite One Piece pairing from day one, and I think you did an excellent job capturing their unique dynamic, for sure. I ESPECIALLY loved the haunted house! It was so sweet, gah, I nearly keeled over in my chair! I wanted to smack them both upside the head sometimes too, lol.

You're gonna write more of this pairing, right?

Not that your ZoLu wasn't written equally as well! Most of the time I see Zoro as pretty much asexual (xD), so it's always nice to find a romance I like. Leave it to Luffy to be oblivious but totally in tune at the same time.

The mini-Zoro costume was a stroke of genius, just like the "get your hand out of my pants" line, JUST LIKE the fruit and vegetable jack-o-lanterns

I really enjoyed reading this... several times over. xD I'm ashamed that I haven't reviewed before now, actually, this was like my 4th time around. It's one of my source fics for SanUso interaction X3

*applause* *hands cookie*
Nayeli chapter 6 . 12/31/2008
aw, how amazing, i loved it!:D

I enjoyed reading this fic from start to end, it was just so amazing not to love, great work!XD
nika chapter 6 . 12/29/2008
you killed me.

i am dead.

i love you.

that is all.

alright, so my reviews are normally somewhat (not much) more involved and more productive than the above, but the sheer adorableness (new word?) of this freaking stunned me.

thank you for this piece, it was lovely.
Kloudy Reignfall chapter 6 . 11/26/2008
I'm not entirely sure, but I feel I may have read this several years ago, back when I was into the fandom the first time. Either way, I enjoyed it immensely this time around. _ I really liked the way you had their confessions go, at the end. The way you wrote it was very realistic. It felt a lot like conversations I had had before, unlike similar scenes in many other fanfic. The way you chracterized their relationships, and the characters themselves, was great. ) I think I'd reccomend this as a first fic for someone who was just getting into these pairings, or, of course, for someone who already likes them.

Hm. Overall, I guess the easiest thing to say is that I loved it! D

You have a very nice writing style, so I think I'll add you to my author alert list and hope that you'll continue presenting such totally worthwhile stories. (I have no doubts that you'll do great.)

'Til next time,

Kazima Kuwabara chapter 6 . 5/30/2008
best. The best. I love this. Ah! The best ever! :D
Some Girl101 chapter 6 . 5/30/2008
I loved you story! Sanji X Usopp is a rarity, but you write it so well that it sounds really good.

Gosh, when I read the part about the store lady saying how when two people kiss they will be bound together for a year, I couldn't wait till Zoro and Sanji tried it out! Then, when the clock striked 11 and you made it seem like it was 12, I was like: "NO they didn't kiss!" And then I was so happy/relieved when Nami said midnight was still to come. XP That was a good twist.
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