Reviews for Possession
minekoanime chapter 14 . 8/23/2013
this is sooooo awesome! i love this story and Haolyserg so much! XD you made me love them even more!
twinkletwinkee chapter 14 . 4/9/2012
It will be horrible for me not to leave a review. And God knows how much you made me fall in love with this pairing! I love the story and its uniqueness. Congratulations!
Candy Coloured Frown chapter 14 . 1/7/2010
Haha, well I just finished reading your story for the umpteenth time, and realized (to my horror) that I hadn't reviewed. And I am so sorry. Your fic was one of the first ones I ever read and I absolutely loved it. I followed it religiously. I remember when the new chapters came on and I completely flipped. Not only does it have one of my favorite pairings, but the story line was so great. So perfect. As was the ending. Though I would have loved to see more, it was complete, and it made (and continues to make) me so happy. Anyway. I just wanted to let you know how much I LOVED your story. Thank you so much. Thank you thank you. :)
saya06 chapter 14 . 9/2/2009
I just finished reading this story and I have to say "wow" it was great
agoodcupoftea chapter 14 . 7/2/2008
I just read this whole story in one sitting! Fantastic! Superb! Amazing! Terrific! I loved every word! I love, love love the ending! Are you going to make a sequel?
Galy chapter 14 . 3/22/2008
A masterpiece!

God! I just love Lyserg. But the combo of Lyserg/Hao with a little angst and romance it's something I can't resist!

Simply your fic's the best! D
please delete dead account chapter 1 . 2/28/2008
I've actually read the whole deal but, being lazy, decided just to comment the first chapter. It was a truly amasing story, in my opinion. Your way of telling the story is straight to the point, but not in those ugly blunt sort of ways. I really enjoyed reading it. Good job.
shikamaru roxs my soxs chapter 14 . 12/10/2007
I love this. It has to be the best story/plot line for a HaoxLyserg fic, and you pulled it off perfectly. XD Great job!
Abandonded and Left chapter 14 . 8/20/2007
*is full of fluffy goodness*

This was a nice story that I very much enjoyed reading. I'm really glad I found it too because this is one of my favorite pairings but it's not exactly popular. /Though some are even harder to find... manta/faust *cough*/

Keep up the great work.
SaiVega chapter 14 . 8/6/2007
YES! i finally managed to read this!

lovely work, this is definetly goin to faves. hell itd be total injustice if it didnt. i knew there was something more after Lyserg broke the jar cuz there was a chapter after it, i just couldnt figure out what. and i am most certainly that im beyond happy with the end. i love the way you topped it off with the way they meet again, it fits like a perfect puzzle piece

i enjoyed reading this from the start to the end. thank you for writing such a wonderful story and giving me, and other readers, something so incredible to read. you truly are a gifted writer.*heart*

PS: if youd like, check out my story "Time to Say It". its my latest one and also a sequel to "Hard to Say". it would really be an honor if you checked it out :)

terra chapter 14 . 8/3/2007
wow! AWESOME FIC! i read it all just now and love it. hehe. wish i could write like this.
willow of fire chapter 14 . 8/2/2007
I love happy endings! _ It was a wonderful story from begining to end.
deux-michelle chapter 14 . 8/2/2007
AGH! It's all over!

Such a sweet ending!

You're an awesome writer!
deux-michelle chapter 13 . 8/2/2007
AGH~~! O

Don't do it! *cries*
deux-michelle chapter 12 . 8/2/2007
I'm so happy you updated!


Poor Lyserg...!
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