Reviews for Treffen
Medea Callous chapter 35 . 5/23/2009
Cute. Not a strong plot, but your charming dialogue saved it.
writergirl99 chapter 35 . 4/5/2008
omg this was fantastic! i loved it how, even though they were on holz they still worked a case lol and that she was a phsycopath because of a stupid bet!

this is the most fantastic thing i have written! i loved it!
OuroborosSnyder chapter 35 . 3/4/2008
OMG, I loved this! Great Job! Kudos! *Stands up and claps*

Marte chapter 1 . 3/31/2006
Wasn't this also a fanfic for the X-files? But then instead of Mulder and Scully, Goren and Eames! Isn't that right? But it already was a great story then!:P
Tangerine-Tangerine chapter 35 . 12/11/2005
Awesome and adorable ending!
Shellster chapter 35 . 12/10/2005
I'm sad to see this end, but i'm glad you stuck with it and finshed it. Great story. You have a very sharp and crisp style, i like it. I hope you write another. chapter 35 . 12/10/2005
wow great story! i knew something was up with terry...
JuJuBeezzz chapter 35 . 12/10/2005
AW! That was a wonderful ending! Class ring? How cute and romantic! Wonderful chapter! So sad that you're story is over!
JuJuBeezzz chapter 34 . 12/10/2005
Aw! They did win! Great chapter! Sad that they didn't get the money though!
Norla chapter 35 . 12/10/2005
This was an amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing it. I was always so excited to see a new chapter posted. You did a great job.
Loony4moony816 chapter 35 . 12/10/2005
OMG! Your story was absolutely brilliant! I loved every chapter, every witty, line, every fluffy moment!

Thank you so much for writing it!

Tangerine-Tangerine chapter 33 . 12/9/2005
Yay! Bobbys o.k, I knew you wouldn't kill him.
JuJuBeezzz chapter 33 . 12/9/2005
Aw. They both owe Charlie! Great chapter! I'm so glad Bobby woke up!
JuJuBeezzz chapter 32 . 12/9/2005
I thought you were going to have Bobby die! That was a great chapter! Talk about thrilling! I 'm like standing on my chair now!

I love the part when Alex said to the EMT that she was his wife...
perfectcrime chapter 33 . 12/9/2005
Good girl, you fixed it. Thank you so much for not letting him die. LOL, ok, I'm a little strange. Can't wait for more. And I love how you always update two chappies at a time.

Luv ya

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